What is Elon Musk's idea of pushing for radar elimination, saying, 'Because humans are looking at it with two eyes, the car should also work with two cameras.'


Daniel Oberhaus

Tesla, led by Elon Musk, is developing technology for fully autonomous driving, but it is still a long way off, with reports of cases where that technology has led to accidents. The New York Times, an overseas newspaper, interviews 19 Tesla autonomous driving technology developers on condition of anonymity and reports on the actual situation of autonomous driving technology.

Inside Tesla: How Elon Musk Pushed His Vision for Autopilot --The New York Times

Mr. Musk has repeatedly touted his technology that 'fully autonomous driving is imminent', but the technology that allows the car to move to the destination without the driver doing anything is still in the development stage. .. Musk also claims that 'autonomous driving can be achieved with just a camera without relying on sensors,' but the people interviewed by the New York Times questioned this and 'misleaded customers.' I'm talking.

In particular, Mr. Musk pushed the opposition of the development side and repeatedly refused to install radar on the car, saying, 'Because humans can drive with only two eyes, the car should also be able to drive with only two cameras.' matter. Experts point out that 'the camera is nothing but eyes.'

In addition, Mr. Musk saw the model S prototype car developed in 2014 and instructed him to close the hole with a rubber seal because he did not like the hole for the radar that was open in front. Engineers pointed out that snow and ice could cause system failures, but the design went on without winter testing. Eventually this issue was resolved after a customer pointed out that the radar did not work in the winter.

Mr. Musk, who insists that 'autonomous driving can be realized only with a camera' for reasons such as having to purchase expensive radar technology from other companies for cheap cameras, said, 'Camera alone is not enough. While some technicians disagreed, it was reported that some technicians agreed with Mr. Musk because 'the radar is not always accurate and it is difficult to match the camera and radar information.' I am.

In 2016 the first of fatal accidents by Tesla model S laden with cameras and radar is generated and, despite showing signs that Mr. mask is developed in-house the radar, derail plans after. Radar efforts are not aimed at active production, but are simply continued as a research project. After all, the team that was initially developing with three technologies of camera, radar, and sound wave sensor said that it began to focus more on camera technology in response to Mr. Musk's intention. Later, Tesla made a completely radar-free software update that physically eliminated radar from shipments after mid-May 2021.

Regarding Mr. Musk's 'Full Self Driving', some insiders have pointed out that 'the word' automatic 'should not be used', and some insiders have doubts about his advertising method. increase. In addition, officials said that the video created by Tesla in promoting Autopilot 2.0, an autonomous driving technology in 2016, has a driving route defined in advance by non-commercial 3D mapping software, and it is truly an autonomous driving technology at that time. Pointed out that it was not an introduction. In addition, he reported that the car had hit an obstacle on the side of the road even though the route had been set in advance. The video in question is stillposted on the Tesla homepage.

Mobileye CEO Amnon Shashua, who supplied the technology to Tesla, said, 'The idea of using only the camera in an autonomous driving system may eventually work, but in the short term other radars are still. It will be needed. Tesla's ultimate goal is not necessarily true, but building a business itself. Mr. Musk's remarks should not be taken very seriously. '

in Ride, Posted by log1p_kr