Injuries caused by slipping and falling when moving from the bedroom to the office are recognized as industrial accidents.

Due to the global epidemic of the new coronavirus, more and more people are working from home, working from home instead of going to work. Working without leaving your home should reduce the chance of a traffic accident or injury, but if you fall and get injured while walking a few meters from your bedroom to your work room, you will have an industrial accident (work accident). ) Was issued in Germany.
Bundessozialgericht --Pressemitteilungen --Weg vom Bett ins Homeoffice gesetzlich unfallversichert
Fall on walk from bed to desk is workplace accident, German court rules | Germany | The Guardian
The plaintiff's man was injured on his way from his bedroom to his work room downstairs. As a man walked down the spiral stairs connecting his bedroom and work room, he slipped and fell on the spiral stairs, injuring his chest.
However, the insurance company contracted by the male employer refused to pay insurance for the injury as a work-related accident, resulting in a dispute in court. If a man has already started work and has fallen down the stairs trying to get breakfast, he is not injured when he goes to work and is not covered by insurance. In response, the plaintiff's man claimed that he went to the work room without eating breakfast as usual.
Also, at the inferior court hearing, the issue was whether the short time to move from the bedroom to the work room was equivalent to commuting. The Federal High Court said, 'Occupational accidents are accidents that the insured suffers as a result of insured activities. This'activity'is a direct link to the place of activity. It also includes events on the route. ”“ It is the business route covered by insurance that moves from the bedroom to the work room first thing in the morning. ”

In addition, the court ruled that 'if you are involved in an insured activity at the insured's home or elsewhere, you will be insured as if the activity were on the company premises.' ..
It's unclear if the man was working from home because of the pandemic of the new coronavirus, or if he had been. The court defines that 'a telework position is a computer workstation that the employer has permanently installed in the employee's private territory,' and the labor law applies even for home work. It is supposed to be done.
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in Note, Posted by log1i_yk