A protest demonstration 'To do muscle training outside the court' appeared to ask for the restart of the gym, and the participants appealed 'Muscle training or death'

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Due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19), gyms are closed all over the world. In the US state of Florida where the gym has been closed for over a month, people protesting to reopen the gym will hold a protest demonstration that they will 'stretch in front of the court.' ' Give me gains or give me death, ' he says.

VIDEO: Protesters calling for gyms to reopen do squats, push-ups outside Clearwater courthouse | WFLA


'Give me gains or give me death': Florida gym-goers protest lockdown with push-ups | US news | The Guardian

The video of the protest demonstration released by Florida media WFLA is below.

People doing push-ups and squats line up next to people protesting by holding flags and placards.

Below is the video released by the TV media

WSVN in Florida.

Many protesters are performing push-ups.

There are about 20 to 30 participants in this demonstration. Participants insisted that the gym employees return to work and resume the gym. Sports gym owner Travis Labbazo, who participated in the protest, puts back the thousands of employees at his gym to bring them back to work, restore their health, and take advantage of Florida's poor occupational injury system. It is complaining that it is necessary to avoid burdening.

According to a plan released by Governor Ronde Santis of Florida, the reopening of the gym will be allowed in Phase 2 of the Economic Resumption Plan (PDF file) . However, this Phase 2 is not a normal operation, the number of users is limited to 75% of the maximum capacity, and each user is required to comply with social distance and hygiene protocols.

Tampa Bay Times, a local newspaper in Florida, said in an article summarizing the results of an interview with 15 experts: 'The COVID-19 epidemic in Florida is relatively mild due to the proper self-isolation of Florida residents.' It remains. ” It suggests that the COVID-19 epidemic may worsen if social distances are no longer maintained due to resumption of economic activity.

WFLA has pointed out that the demonstrators did not take COVID-19 measures such as 'wearing a mask' and 'social distance', the British large letter The Guardian said, 'Push up on the sidewalk. If so, why do I need to restart the gym? '

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log