What are the 'four goals' that the algorithm of TikTok, an SNS with more than 1 billion monthly active users, emphasizes?

A TikTok internal document obtained by the New York Times revealed the goals set when the video algorithm for
How TikTok Reads Your Mind --The New York Times

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According to the New York Times, which obtained the document 'TikTok Algo 101' that summarizes TikTok's algorithms, TikTok's algorithms include 'usefulness (user value)', 'usefulness (long-term) (long-term user value)', and 'author'. Creator value) ”and“ Hiradai algorithm (value of platform) ”were set as the four main goals. At the same time, it seems that considerations such as maintaining creators and securing profits when building a video feed aimed at keeping viewers bored are also described.
Furthermore, in order to pursue the goal of 'increasing daily active users', 'whether the user revisited TikTok' and 'time the user stayed in TikTok' are particularly emphasized in the algorithm. According to the New York Times, 'Even if a user likes a certain type of video, if the app continues to recommend the same type of video, they will soon get bored and close the app.' It seems that the algorithm was designed to show users a variety of content, rather than focusing on one topic and introducing recommended videos.
'TikTok's system shows that TikTok's viewing time is important,' said Jerome Caslo , founder of the French nonprofit AlgoTransparency, which is tracking YouTube's algorithms. I'm trying to make users TikTok addicted in a different way than giving them what they really want. '
Also, I like TikTok Algo 101! It seems that a simplified equation for showing the user's preference and recommendation is shown from the number of, the number of comments, the viewing time of the video, the number of times the video is played. It is thought that the TikTok app weights various elements in the equation and selects recommended videos.
In addition, when selecting recommended videos, it seems that the quality of recommended videos is determined by considering the content release rate, retention, and monetization of creators.
Such an algorithm allows TikTok to 'deliver content to a niche community' rather than Instagram or Facebook.
How to deliver niche products to 'people who really want' with TikTok without relying on conventional methods | GIGAZINE.BIZ

In this regard, TikTok spokeswoman Jamie Fabassa said, 'Whether creators are making money is not a factor in the app's algorithms. Recommended videos are for user satisfaction. It's the result of optimization. '
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