Succeeded in generating 'warp bubble' for the first time in the world

DARPA Funded Researchers Accidentally Create The World's First Warp Bubble --The Debrief
Warp Drive is based on the theory of 'Alcubierre Drive ' proposed by physicist Miguel Alcubiere. Inspired by the warp navigation that appears in the SF drama series ' Star Trek, ' Alcubierre Drive says, 'Move the spacecraft by expanding the space-time behind the spacecraft and at the same time contracting the space-time in front of it.' The idea is to sail like surfing on the waves of space-time.

Although Alcubierre Drive has been evaluated academically, it has been considered impossible to put it into practical use because it requires special materials and enormous energy to realize it.
Warp Drive's theory was evolved by Dr. White, but still remained beyond the scope of the theory. However, in the latest research, Dr. White announced that he succeeded in creating a real 'warp bubble.' A warp bubble is a subspace appearance phenomenon that envelops a spacecraft and distorts the spacecraft continuum to propel the spacecraft. 'I want to make it clear that what we've discovered isn't a'warp bubble analog'. It's small, but we've discovered the real warp bubble,' White said. The doctor said.

In the first place, Dr. White was researching a microscale structure called 'Kashmir cavity', which is different from the warp bubble, with DARPA funding. And while working on the Kashmir cavity, he happened to discover a warp bubble. 'This is a good example of'doing research for a purpose and discovering something completely unexpected,'' said Dr. White.
In his research presentation on the Kashmir cavity, Dr. White and his team 'discovered a micro / nanoscale structure that strictly meets the requirements of the Alcubierre metric and predicts a negative energy density distribution.' Dr. White said the paper is the world's first peer-reviewed paper that mentions nanostructures that make real warp bubbles feasible. Dr. White believes that nanostructures could be used to achieve the negative energy density distribution required by Alcubierre Drive.
In addition, since the research team is focusing on research on the Kashmir cavity at the time of writing the article, it says that there is no plan to actually build and test the spacecraft, but the specific 'warp drive spacecraft' We also make some suggestions for ideas.
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in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log