NASA researcher says "Warp navigation" approaches the real world more than before

ByGwyneth Llewelyn

Although it is "Warp" that is not so rare in SF, it is considered impossible to realize because enormous energy is required to realize. However, as a result of repeated experiments by researchers at NASA Johnson Space Center, I realized that from "not realistic" to "worth to investigate", I approached a level where I can have a little hope.

Warp Drive More Possible Than Thought, Scientists Say |

"Warp navigation" is navigation that moves at super light speed from point A to point B far away from point A, and is used in works set in the universe as "Space Battleship Yamato" and "Star Trek".

Mexico physicist Miguel Arkviele announced in 1994Arkbiere / DriveThat is exactly this warp navigation. The basic theory isItem of "Warp" of WikipediaAs mentioned in, it was a hint of Star Trek's Warp Navigation and was to move the spacecraft at super light speed using the "loophole" of the law of physics. However, according to this theory, it was thought that Warp Navigation needed a level of energy that was unavoidable and was not realistic.

However, physicist Harold White who is conducting research at NASA's Johnson Space Center can draw back the warp navigation from the SF domain to the science domain by significantly reducing the necessary energy, "Hope There is. "

Arkviele Drive arranges an elliptical spacecraft like a rugby ball in the center of a huge ring type device. It creates a space-time that contracts the space in front of the spacecraft and expands the space behind it, and the spacecraft warps by being in a flat space-time foam. Richard Obousy of Icarus Interstellar, a group of engineers and scientists aiming to realize interstellar space flight "All of the universe is limited by light speed, but truly cool thing is that the universe framework called space-time is , It is not subject to limitation by the light speed. " Based on the concept of Arkbiere, the spacecraft should be able to achieve about 10 times the speed of light. In previous studies, it was believed that energy equivalent to Jupiter's mass energy is needed at the very least in realizing this warp navigation.

Mr. White recently calculated what happens if the shape of the ring wrapping the spaceship is not a horizontal ring, but a round donut shape. In this case, it was found that NASA's mass energy of about 1 Voyager launched in 1977 is necessary for warp navigation. Furthermore, if the intensity of spatial distortion fluctuates with time, Mr. White noticed that the required energy can be further reduced.

The ring shaped warp navigation device indicated by Mr. White. Even if it is said to be a device, it is about the size to wrap around the spaceship.

"I have changed the warp navigation from unreal to plausible, more valuable to warrant," to Mr. White, Mr. White, to Currently I am trying to make a laboratory of Johnson Space Center 's laboratory "White & Judy Warp Field Interferometer" to create a desk - sized device and see if it can produce a small example of the space - time fluctuation of 1 / 10,000.

in Science, Posted by logc_nt