Meta announces that it has deleted more than 600 Chinese accounts that were manipulating information about the new Corona

On December 1, 2021, Meta, which operates Facebook, announced that it has deleted more than 600 accounts on Facebook and Instagram that were sending and spreading fake news about the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). bottom.
Meta's Adversarial Threat Report | Meta
Facebook takes down China-based network spreading false COVID-19 claims: NPR
Meta removes over 600 accounts linked to COVID disinformation effort by China --Axios
In the '(PDF file) Report on Hostile Threats ' released on December 1, Meta claims that 'the United States is pressing WHO to hold China responsible for COVID-19' etc. Reported that more than 600 accounts related to Chinese crafts, including, have been deleted on Facebook and Instagram.
Regarding COVID-19, the first case found in Wuhan City, China in 2019, the Wuhan Institute of Vessel Emanation theory that 'caused by the virus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Vessels' was initially a factless and discriminatory hoax. Although it was not recognized by the international community as being there, it was re-evaluated after that, and there were voices saying that it should be officially discussed. In response, WHO set up a research team aimed at identifying the origin of COVID-19, but China refused to hand over the data to the research team. We also continue to refuse subsequent re-investigations.
China refuses to hand over unedited data to WHO's new Corona research team-GIGAZINE

Just two days after China refused to re-examine the WHO on the origin of COVID-19, a Swiss biologist named Wilson Edwards opened accounts on Facebook and Twitter. 'The United States is pressing WHO to ask China for the cause of COVID-19,' the post was quickly spread by Chinese state media and hundreds of accounts, but according to Meta. The account was that of a fictitious biologist created by China.
Meta said Facebook's investigation identified that the heart of a fake account network disguised as a Swiss biologist involved people from Chinese companies, including Sichuan Silence Information Technology. We have deleted 524 accounts, 20 pages, 4 groups and 86 Instagram accounts.
The following is an example of a Chinese account spreading by quoting a fictitious biologist's post. 'The campaign was like a mirror corridor endlessly reflecting false figures,' Ben Nimo, who was in charge of the investigation, wrote in a Meta report.
Meta also targets Belarus and Iraq regarding Palestinian accounts related to the Islamic militant group Hamas, accounts related to the Belarusian intelligence agency, the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus, and issues near the border between Belarus and the EU. I reported that I deleted the Polish account etc. that was flowing on Facebook and Instagram.
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in Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks