Aboriginal herbs prove to be effective in 'cancer treatment'

Much research has been done on how to treat and prevent cancer, and methods such as using viruses to attack cancer cells and blood tests that can identify more than 20 types of cancer have been developed. Meanwhile, a substance effective in treating cancer was discovered from the herbs used by the indigenous people of Australia.
Reversal of ABCG2 / BCRP-Mediated Multidrug Resistance by 5,3', 5'-Trihydroxy-3,6,7,4'-Tetramethoxyflavone Isolated from the Australian Desert Plant Eremophila galeata Chinnock

Ancient natural medicine could improve cancer treatment – University of Copenhagen
Cancer treatment using anti-cancer drugs is widely used, but if the anti-cancer drug is continuously administered, the cancer cells acquire resistance to the anti-cancer drug and the progress of the cancer does not stop. You may. An international research team led by the University of Copenhagen has discovered that one of the elemophila used by the indigenous peoples of Australia as a medicinal herb contains a substance that has the effect of inhibiting drug resistance of cancer cells. bottom.
The substance discovered by the research team is a type of flavonoid , and as a result of administering the substance to human cancer cells in combination with the anticancer drug ' SN-38 ', 'cancer cells acquire resistance to SN-38'. It turned out to be effective in preventing 'doing'.

Professor Dan Stark, who led the research team, said, 'Cancer cells that have acquired resistance to SN-38 produce large amounts of proteins that act like pumps that pump drugs out of the cancer cells. Natural substances isolated from Australian plants in the study interfere with the functioning of the pump, making it difficult for cancer cells to remove the drug. ' 'There are already known substances that block the pumping of cancer cells, but those substances can have many side effects,' said Professor Stark, who said that the substances discovered this time are existing. He talks about his hopes of becoming an alternative to substances.
According to the University of Copenhagen, 70% of existing anti-cancer drugs are naturally derived substances or substances synthesized with reference to naturally derived substances. Professor Stark also said, 'I believe that by looking for similar substances in other plants, we can find substances that are more effective than the ones we discovered this time.'
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in Science, Posted by log1o_hf