Triple Crown Horse Contrail wins the Japan Cup, where four derby horses collided for the first time in history

Following the 2020 Japan Cup, which was a clash of three triple crown horses , the 2021 Japan Cup was the first race in history in which four derby horses fought.

Race table: Japan Cup This week's hottest race JRA

[Racing Profile] 2021 Japan Cup | JRA Official --YouTube

At the 41st Japan Cup, four horses collided: 2016 Derby horse Makahiki, 2018 Derby horse Wagnerian, 2020 Derby horse and triple crown horse Contrail, and 2021 Derby horse Shahryar. The 2017 Derby Horse Rey de Oro and the 2019 Derby Horse Roger Burrows have already retired, so it was a race where all the active Derby horses gathered.

2016 Japan Derby (GI) | Makahiki | JRA Official --YouTube

2018 Japan Derby (GI) | Wagnerian | JRA Official --YouTube

2020 Japan Derby (GI) | Contrail | JRA Official --YouTube

2021 Japan Derby (GI) | Shahryar | JRA Official --YouTube

The odds just before the start are that the most popular is Contrail with a win of 1.7 times, and the second most popular is Shahryar with a win of 3.7 times. The third most popular is the authority that won the Argentine Republic Cup (GII) in 2020 and 2021 in the same period as the Contrail, and won 7.1 times. Makahiki was the 11th most popular with a win of 71.9 times, and Wagnerian was the 13th most popular with a win of 88.4 times.

Wagnerian and Aristoteles go forward in the race. On the way, the 2017 Kikuka-sho horse Kiseki, who had been waiting for the end, advanced at a stretch and went around the final corner as it was, but when entering the straight line, the authority was at the top. From behind, the contrail stretched out alongside Shahryar, holding down one authority and decorating the endless beauty with the last race. The second place is the authority, and the second most popular Shahryar is the third place.

After the race, Jockey Yuichi Fukunaga, who rode on the contrail, praised the contrail, saying, 'He did a good run' while wiping his tears. 'I got a good position, so I just believed in the horse,' he said.

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