Amazon employees are planning a strike to aim for 'the busiest day of the year'

by Bossi
It was reported that a strike plan aimed at Black Friday , which will be the busiest day of the year for Amazon, is underway. Under this plan, demonstration activities will be held in more than a dozen places such as the EU and the United States on the day of Black Friday.
#MakeAmazonPay | Make Amazon Pay
Amazon workers plan global Black Friday protests for better wages, tax accountability
Make Amazon Pay, a workers' group that asks Amazon to improve the working environment, is planning a strike aimed at Black Friday. Make Amazon Pay said, 'Amazon has become a $ 1 trillion (about 115 trillion yen) company despite the corona disaster, and Jeff Bezos's personal assets recorded the world's first 200 billion dollars (about 23 trillion yen). However, Amazon's warehouse workers, as essential workers, endangered their lives but only raised their wages slightly. ' 'Amazon is contributing to increased carbon dioxide emissions as well as failing to pay taxes,' he said, on the day of Black Friday to get employees to pay fair wages, compensation for environmental damage, and appropriate taxes. He said he is planning a strike.
You can download the official Japanese translation of Make Amazon Pay claims below.
Amazon pays fair expenses!
(PDF file)∗&&files=JA_Amazon%20Common%20Demands.pdf

The Make Amazon Pay request is roughly as follows.
・ Labor aspect
Wage increase in response to Amazon's profit increase, bonus payment during work-related accidents and busy seasons, elimination of strict production monitoring system, extension of paid sick leave, total abolition of unstable employment and contract employee system, withdrawal of union crushing Approval for the establishment of a safety monitoring committee composed of on-site employees, disclosure of the number of people infected and dead with the new coronavirus at each facility, etc.
・ Environmental aspect
Achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, discontinuing AWS services for fossil fuel companies, and discontinuing financial assistance for activities that deny climate change.
・ Social aspect
Abolition of tax evasion using tax haven, cancellation of anti-competitive acts leading to market monopoly, ensuring transparency of user data and guaranteeing privacy in IoT devices manufactured and sold by Amazon such as Echo, face authentication / biomonitoring Discontinuation of development, deployment, and sales of devices and software that can contribute to mass monitoring systems such as software.
In response to these Make Amazon Pay claims, Amazon spokespersons have already pledged to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2040, setting a minimum hourly wage of $ 18 in some regions. 'We are not perfect in any area, but we take the role and impact very seriously,' he said. He said he was looking for new ways to protect the safety and health of his employees.
Amazon will hold a Black Friday sale from 9:00 on Friday, November 26th, 2021 to 23:59 on Thursday, December 2nd. Hundreds of thousands of items such as fashion, food, beauty goods, and other petit luxury products that are popular as 'rewards for yourself', as well as Amazon devices, home appliances, home / office supplies, and PC peripherals. Will be offered at a special price.
7-day big sale: Amazon Black Friday 2021

A spokeswoman for the company declined to answer how the Make Amazon Pay activity will affect the 2021 Black Friday sale.
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