There are fish that have 555 teeth and lose 20 teeth every day


Magnus Kjaergaard

Many fish, such as sharks and piranhas, have sharp teeth. Among the fish with such teeth, the lingcod that lives on the west coast of North America has a large number of teeth, and new research has revealed that 'the teeth fall out with tremendous force.'

The moment of tooth: rate, fate and pattern of Pacific lingcod dentition revealed by pulse-chase | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

This fish has 555 teeth… and it loses 20 every day | Live Science

Lingcod is a fish species that lives in the reefs of the west coast of North America and is a carnivorous fish that grows to a length of over 1 m.

By Charles Hendron

Lingcods also have sharp teeth that bite and prey on their prey as shown in the image below.

By IG Taylor

If you look at the skeleton of the lingcod, you can see that the jaw has innumerable teeth.

University of South Florida research team of biological faculty, was to observe the backbone of the lingcod in detail to investigate the 'number of teeth' and 'frequency at which the teeth fall out.'

By Fastily

As a result of counting all the teeth from the size that can be observed with the naked eye to the size that can be observed only with a microscope for 20 lingcods, 20 to 10,000 or more teeth (about 555 per animal) could be confirmed. That. In addition, it was observed that 20 lingcod teeth fell out per day.

In addition, according to Mr. Curly Cohen, a member of the research team, there was no change in the number of teeth falling out with and without feeding the lingcod. 'The number of teeth that fall out did not increase even after feeding, so what is the reason for the teeth to fall out?', Mr. Cohen is eager to elucidate the mechanism by which the teeth of Lingcod fall out. ..

in Science,   Creature, Posted by log1o_hf