'A cow on the verge of dismantling is running away and sliding on a waterslide.'

In Brazil, the video 'A cow on the verge of dismantling escapes and slides on a waterslide' has become a hot topic. As the video became so popular, the rancher decided to stop dismantling the cows and keep them as pets on the ranch.
Oh Look, There's A COW On The Waterslide | 101one WJRR | Lynch and Taco
Cow set for slaughter in Brazil escapes and has fun on a waterslide instead | indy100
This is the video that became a hot topic.
Boi'escorrega' em toboágua em clube Nova Granada --YouTube
A cow standing on a waterslide.

Crouching ...

It's a little hard to see because it's hidden behind the leaves, but it slides smoothly on the slider.

It didn't seem to land on the water, but I was relaxing on the slider.

The cow escaped from a ranch 500 miles (800 km) west of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's metropolis. The cow, just before heading to the slaughterhouse, reportedly escaped to a water park near the ranch. Then, when I was filmed sliding down the waterslide and the video was uploaded, it became a hot topic in a blink of an eye. Eventually, the cows escaped from the slaughterhouse and were named 'Tobogã', which means 'slide' in Brazil, and they were able to keep them as pets on the ranch.
The load capacity of this waterslide was 450 pounds (about 200 kg), but the weight of the cow was 700 pounds (about 320 kg), which was far more than that. For this reason, the above news is reported to be 'good news not only for cows but also for slider engineers.'
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