Shoot a moment when an alligator gets caught in the head of a zebra
A picture of the moment when the crocodile bites a zebra trying to cross the Mara river in the Masai Mala Kannon's Kanni's hijacking area. The zebra is also desperately resisting, desperately trying to escape from the attack of the alligator.
It is a very powerful picture, and the severity of the natural world is transmitted as Hishishi.
Pictures are as follows.
Pictured: The moment a hungry crocodile took a bite at a zebra's head | Mail Online
The crocodist hits the head of the zebra
Zebra resistance desperately.
Zebra seems to be quiet, did he lose his will?
After that, it seems I do not know whether the bullied zebra has escaped.
Approximately 1.5 million nuars and zebras are going to cross the river in the spring, and it seems that 6,000 gnuses may die in 2 days.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log