Yahoo! Finance disappears from China's App Store, losing another valuable source of foreign news for Chinese

In China, where the Google Play store is not available, it was found that the iOS app of

'Yahoo! Finance ', which was used by Internet users as a source of information to avoid censorship, was removed from the Chinese App Store.

Yahoo news app, one of the last sources of Western news in China, is removed from Apple store amid censorship drive – DNyuz amid-censorship-drive /

Yahoo Finance app pulled from Chinese App Store | AppleInsider

According to a study by Apple Censorship, which tracks apps removed from the App Store, Yahoo! Finance was removed from the App Store in China on October 14, 2021. The details of the deletion are unknown, and it is not known whether Apple deleted it or Yahoo withdrew it. Apple insider, an Apple-related news company, contacted Yahoo and Apple about the matter, but neither company responded.

by Ippei Ogiwara

'Yahoo! Finance' is an app for investors that handles financial information such as stock prices, but it also distributes articles on economic news media such as Reuters and Bloomberg. Just before it was removed from the Chinese App Store, Bloomberg's article stating that 'Apple is receiving preferential treatment in exchange for removing apps at the request of the Chinese government' was published in Yahoo! Finance. It was said that.

Therefore, 'Yahoo! Finance' was useful as a source of information to get overseas news from Chinese Internet users by avoiding the censorship of 'Great Firewall'. The American news site DNyuz points out that these points may have caused the Chinese authorities to get angry.

China has been regulating and censoring the Internet for some time, but in October 2021 it said, 'We are enacting a bill to outlaw all coverage by private media outlets that are not communist capital.' Tightening has been accelerating in recent years, as reported. As a result of these tightening of regulations, the tide of journalism in the country is becoming apparent, with LinkedIn, which was the last SNS in China to originate in the United States, announced its withdrawal from China.

LinkedIn withdraws from China and major American SNS disappears completely from China --GIGAZINE

Benjamin Ismail, project director at Apple Censorship, said, 'Recently, Apple has removed many apps at the request of the Chinese authorities. Apart from following government orders and laws, the authorities in China It's not uncommon to resort to exorbitant means to block the dissenting opinions of the press, bloggers, activists, etc. '

in Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks