Dutch cities consider limiting real estate investment as more people can't buy homes

A legislative amendment in the Netherlands will allow local governments to limit 'areas where real estate can be bought and sold' to investors from January 2022. In the Netherlands, cheap housing has been bought up by investors, and it is said that the general public cannot buy a house, so each local government is considering introducing restrictions.
Dit willen de tien grootste gemeenten doen tegen beleggers die huizen opkopen | NOS
Dutch cities want to ban property investors in all neighborhoods | NL Times
With this revision of the law, local governments will be able to limit the areas in which real estate can be bought and sold, and will be able to indicate the appropriate price range for the properties to be invested. However, the amendment says, 'Will the lack of cheap or average-priced housing cause imbalanced and unjustified effects, in what areas can it occur, and whether trading restrictions will work effectively?' Must be proved. '
The Dutch Broadcasting Foundation (NOS) , a public broadcaster in the Netherlands, has asked cities in the Netherlands to express their views.
◆ Amsterdam
We have been lobbying in The Hague for a long time. I am very pleased that the amendment of the law has made it possible to impose restrictions. I would like to introduce this restriction to the entire municipality, but it is unclear whether it is feasible. We want to apply purchase protection to as many homes as possible and are investigating.

◆ Rotterdam
I am satisfied with the revision of the law. In some areas, such as Carnisse, most homes have been purchased by investors and we would like to introduce this system as soon as possible to intervene in the purchase. We are currently investigating which regions are eligible.

◆ Eindhoven
I am satisfied with the revision of the law. Housing is increasingly being invested by wealthy people, making it unfair to the general public and middle-income households looking to buy a home. We have to give the general public a fair position in the housing market, and this restriction helps. The Eindhoven City Council will decide when to introduce the restrictions in early 2022.
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