'Euthanasia' legal in Spain

A bill has been passed in Spain that allows doctors to perform 'euthanasia' and 'assisted suicide' for people who suffer from illness for a long time.

Spain legalises euthanasia and assisted suicide | The Independent


Spain adopts euthanasia law despite conservative opposition

Spain approves euthanasia law --CNN

The bill allows doctors to help euthanasia in patients with 'a serious chronic illness that is unlikely to recover and is intolerable and painful.' The ruling Socialist Party and the left-wing political parties agreed, and the conservative parties turned against it, but the bill was passed with 202 in favor, 141 against, and 2 abstentions in parliament.

According to news site The Independent, a 2019 poll found that nearly 90% of Spanish citizens supported the legalization of euthanasia.

A similar bill was passed by Parliament in Portugal prior to Spain, but was suspended on March 15, 2021 by the Supreme Court's 'unconstitutional' ruling.

Countries and regions where 'euthanasia' has already been legalized include some states in the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. New Zealand also enacted a law on 'assisted suicide' in 2020. Also, although assisted suicide is permitted in Switzerland, euthanasia is not permitted.

in Note, Posted by logc_nt