The cause of the 'mysterious weight reduction' of the new PS5 model is revealed

Distribution of minor change models of
The New PS5 is Worse ???? --YouTube
The New PS5 Has A Much Smaller Heatsink
It was reported in late August 2021 that a minor change model of PS5 appeared. The model number of this new model is 'CFI-1102A', and it was revealed that the pedestal for fixing the PS5 and the screw for fixing the pedestal are different from the conventional one.
Distribution of redesigned version of PlayStation 5 begins --GIGAZINE

Evans said he bought this new PS5 model from a Japanese website.
Evans noticed that when the same game was started on the old model PS5 and the new model PS5, the fan sounds differently. Therefore, when shooting both the conventional model and the new model with a thermography camera, it is clear that the temperature during operation of the new model is about 3 to 5 degrees higher as shown in the image below. Also, it seems that the new model consumed several watts more power during operation. However, the operation sound is slightly quieter in the new model.
When the main body was disassembled to identify the cause, it became clear that the heat sink of the shield & heat sink attached to the board was considerably downsized in the new model. The left of the image below is the shield & heat sink of the conventional model, and the right is the shield & heat sink of the new model. The silver shield looks unchanged, but you can see that the heatsink attached to it is clearly smaller in size. Evans pointed out that the miniaturization of this heat sink is the cause of the weight reduction of the main body and the high temperature during operation.

And to address the thermal issues of heatsink miniaturization, the new model is equipped with a new fan. The left of the image below is the fan of the conventional model, and the right is the fan of the new model. You can see that the blade part of the fan is larger in the new model.

Evans commented on the miniaturization of heatsinks: 'Sony's much smaller heatsinks have fewer fins and smaller heat pipes, making them less efficient at dissipating heat from the console. Thinking like a PC, if you remove the large CPU heatsink and use a smaller heatsink, the temperature of the entire system will be higher because the weak cooling structure cannot handle it, and the exhaust exhausted from the system will be hot. That's what's happening with the new model. '
Game media Kotaku wrote, 'Please note that this is not a comparison of radically different models,' and this new model is just a minor change model, not the built-in chips etc. have been changed. He argues that it should be well understood that only the cooling mechanism has changed.
However, minor changes like this one often occur on home video game consoles with a long life, and there is a good possibility that this will lead to cost reductions. Also, just because the operating temperature has risen by 3 degrees does not mean that the PS5 will melt, he says, and there is no major change in the game experience.
In addition, problems such as sudden disconnection of Wi-Fi connection have been confirmed in the conventional version PS5, and Evans is wondering if this has been improved and is conducting Wi-Fi tests on the conventional version and the new model. However, at the time of the test, it was not possible to confirm whether the Wi-Fi function was improved. However, it has been confirmed that the color of the Wi-Fi module cable on the board is different between the conventional version and the new model.
In addition, the conventional version of PS5 is disassembled into pieces by GIGAZINE, so if you are interested in the contents, please check the following article.
I tried disassembling the main body to find out the secret of the explosive operation of 'PlayStation 5 (PS5)' --GIGAZINE

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