Reddit rejects removal request as 'objection' to new coronavirus and vaccine is also the basis of democracy

While vaccination is progressing worldwide following the pandemic of the new coronavirus, there are quite a few people who refuse the vaccine and claim that there is no pandemic of the new coronavirus in the first place. At Reddit, which is known as the largest social bulletin board in the English-speaking world, some moderators have posted an open letter asking for the closure of the bulletin board containing such dissenting opinions and false information about vaccines, and Reddit has been dismissing the request. increase.

Reddit takes a teach-the-controversy approach to pandemic and vaccines | Ars Technica

Reddit Responds to Calls From Moderators to Fight Disinformation

There is a lot of information about the new coronavirus, infectious diseases (COVID-19), and vaccines, and some people think that there is no pandemic in the first place.

In this situation, some Reddit moderators said, 'There is no room for generosity in a situation where the misinformation posted on the platform is endangering human life. Reddit as a global platform takes responsibility. Must be. ' An open letter was issued stating that 'bulletin boards that exist solely to disseminate disinformation and undermine efforts to combat the global pandemic should be banned.'

We call upon Reddit to take action against the rampant Coronavirus misinformation on their website.: vaxxhappened

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman posted a reply with the username 'spez'. All agreed to pandemic measures, stating that the best way for everyone is to be vaccinated and to continue to mask according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) policy. He admitted that some people were wary of vaccination, and stated that 'opposition is part of Reddit and is the basis of democracy.'

Announcements --Debate, dissent, and protest on Reddit

Hoffman said, 'Even if your views on the pandemic are different, we hope to work together on the pandemic challenges with empathy, compassion, and an attitude to understand what others are experiencing. 'We believe that CDC is the best and most up-to-date source of information about COVID-19, but it is not against our policy to disagree with CDC's opinion,' he said. 'On the other hand, manipulating or cheating Reddit for a specific opinion is against our policy,' he said, revealing that it is a policy to acknowledge the existence of objections.

The members who issued the open letter said, 'I was disappointed with Reddit's response. I can't stand that absolutely explicit and uncertain misinformation is considered'the other of the two arguments'.' It's backed up, and the other isn't, this isn't 'both theories,' he said, complaining about Reddit's move to forgo the positive response to misinformation.

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt