Visa announces that it has purchased a 24x24 pixel NFT art 'CryptoPunk # 7610' for about 16.5 million yen

by Larva Labs
Over the last 60 years, Visa has built a collection of historic commerce artifacts --from early paper credit cards to the zip-zap machine. Today, as we enter a new era of NFT-commerce, Visa welcomes CryptoPunk # 7610 to our collection.
— VisaNews (@VisaNews) August 23, 2021
NFTs mark a new chapter for digital commerce | Visa
Visa buys a CryptoPunk as it takes first steps into'NFT commerce'
CryptoPunks is a general term for 10,000 NFT art released in 2017 by Larva Labs, a studio founded by Canadian software developers, and is a pioneer work that appeared at a time when the existence of NFT was not widely recognized. is. The NFT art included in CryptoPunks is a punk rocker-like male and female composed of 24x24 pixels, and there are a total of 10,000 pieces from 'CryptoPunk # 0 ' to ' CryptoPunk # 9999'.
Initially, ethereum CryptoPunk that is based on the block chain is released for free, we were able to get free for anyone Anyone who has a wallet of ethereum. After that, as the recognition of NFT increased, it gradually became more expensive to trade, and in January 2021, 'CryptoPunk # 2890' in the shape of an alien was traded for about 79 million yen, and in March. Also called a topic as an alien 'CryptoPunk # 7804' was traded for about 820 million yen.
And August 23, the settlement giant Visa is the 'CryptoPunk # 7610' 49.50 ethereum announced today that it has purchased (149,939 US dollars / about 16.46 million yen at the time of the transaction). Visa has long collected a variety of cultural artifacts related to commercial transactions, such as 'early paper credit cards' and 'Zip-zap machines used in credit card transactions before the advent of electronic terminals.' The purchase of 'CryptoPunk # 7610' this time is part of that.
You can check what kind of NFT art 'CryptoPunk # 7610' is on the following page.
CryptoPunks: Details for Punk # 7610
'CryptoPunk # 7610' is an NFT art in the shape of a woman.

If you check the transaction history, you can see that it was sold from a user named 'gmoney' to a user named '0xa04e64' on August 19th.
'0xa04e64' is the account that Visa used for transactions, and when

'Creating and maintaining collections is as old as civilization itself, and it makes sense to extend the willingness to collect items into the virtual world of the Internet,' said Kai Shefield, head of cryptocurrency at Visa. Claimed. Introduced as an experimental entity in the early days of NFT art, CryptoPunks is now a cultural icon in the crypto asset community, and Visa has helped recognize the role CryptoPunks played in NFT projects that connect culture and commerce. He said he decided to purchase 'CryptoPunk # 7610'.
In addition to its cultural significance, this purchase also has the meaning of deepening the understanding of infrastructure in NFT commerce through actual transactions and expressing support for creators, collectors and artists who will promote the future of NFT commerce. Shefield commented that there was. Shefield compared the advent of NFTs with the advent of e-commerce (with e-commerce), blocking the spread of NFTs in the same way that small businesses can reach customers around the world with the advent of mail-order sites and the like. He thinks it may boost the sale of digital content using chains.
Visa anticipates that NFTs will continue to grow in the future, and has already published a white paper on NFTs (PDF file) to help companies deepen their understanding of NFTs. 'We are now committed to helping our clients join the NFT commerce ecosystem,' Shefield said.
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