Distribution of redesigned version of PlayStation 5 begins

A New PS5 Model Has Appeared In Australian Stores
Sony's new PS5 model is lighter and doesn't need a screwdriver --The Verge
Type name of the PlayStation 5, which released had been distributed at the beginning of 2020 in November, usually version is 'CFI-1000A', the digital edition was 'CFI-1000B'. However, made in 2021 in late July, 'CFI-1100B01' that the model number of the digital edition that appeared, by a corresponding, such as a conventional 'CFI-1000B' and Nojima online and GEO, which divided the sales page found ..

After that, the safety guide for CFI-1100B appeared on the official website.

At the time of writing the article, the PlayStation 5

This time, the model number 'CFI-1102A ' was confirmed in the United States and Australia. Press Start, an Australian game news site, has released a photo of the model number of the outer box of 'CFI-1102A'.

Press Start also shows in the photo that the screws for fixing the pedestal of 'CFI-1102A' are different from those of 'CFI-1000A'.
According to @ bdp2007, who obtained the 'CFI-1102A' in the United States, not only the screws but also the design of the pedestal had been changed.
Not only is the screw different it's a different clamp as well.
Pic.twitter.com/JLr6eK2tae — B (@ bdp2007) August 23, 2021
In the first place, the normal version model should only be the early 'CFI-1000A', but today, before noon on August 24, 2021 (Tuesday), the PS5 official website was updated and the handling instruction document of 'CFI-1100A' is Appearance. As Press Start reported, the screw illustrations in the instructions have changed.
Just as the 'CFI-1100B', which has a different model number for the digital edition, was 300g lighter than the 'CFI-1000B', the 'CFI-1100A' is also 300g lighter than the 'CFI-1000A'.

It is unknown whether CFI-1100A will be distributed in Japan and when it will be distributed.
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