The latest trailer of 'Foundation' that Apple makes a live-action version of Isaac Asimov's science fiction novel released

Star Wars a number of have an impact on SF work, including

Isaac Asimov SF novel series 'due to the Foundation a' was the video of ' Foundation latest trailer of' has been published. This work, which is attracting attention as a live-action version of the popular space opera, will be distributed on Apple TV + , Apple's original subscription-type streaming service, and is scheduled to start on September 24, 2021.

Foundation ⏤ Official Trailer | Apple TV + --YouTube

The trailer starts with a line from Girl Dornick (act: Lou Robert ) saying, 'I was at the end of the galaxy when I was a kid.'

It appeared with the line 'I heard the story of a man who can predict the future' ...

Hari Seldan (act: Jared Harris ) created the discipline of 'psychohistory' that predicts collective behavior.

Orbital elevator extending from the earth

'But it remained unclear to me for years.'

Silhouette reaching for a mysterious object

A mysterious space in the near future

A mysterious woman facing a girl

A man trapped in an airlock

Drowning girl

And the girl's tweet, 'Until that's my story.'

In response to Hari Seldan's question, 'Do you know my work, psychohistory?' ...

A girl who replies, 'All mathematicians are learning your theory.'

'That is not a theory.'

'Psychohistory is a numerical representation of the future of mankind, and I don't really like the psychohistory's prediction that the empire will collapse,' psychohistory predicts the collapse of the Galactic Empire. Hari says he did.

And with the Galactic Empire's Emperor Brother Day (act:

Lee Pace ) ...

A huge statue in Trantor, the capital of the Galactic Empire, is projected.

'There are many scammers and fake saviors in history.'

Before Emperor Brother Day ...

People in chains. Apparently, he was captured by a soldier of the Galactic Empire.

When the emperor twists his hand, people are slaughtered. The Galactic Empire seems to dominate the world with violence. Brother Day said, 'We can slaughter the people, but what about the big move, brothers?', Suggesting that the rebellion against the Galactic Empire is becoming more active. ..

With the line 'His theory is correct. The empire will perish.'

Self-destruction terrorism occurs.

'War never ends'

With the ominous words, 'Thousands of worlds have burned out' ...

The rain of attack falls on the planet.

People running away

Exploding structure

It emits an ominous light ...

It has become algae dust in space.

'Changes are horrifying, especially for those in power, but the collapse can be slowed down.'

'Is that the case?'

'A few years later, for humanity to rise out of the war. The next generation needs knowledge of the foundation,' he said, to preserve the lost science and technology in the face of the collapse of the Galactic Empire. Announced the establishment of the 'Foundation' of the Encyclopedia Foundation under the pretext of compiling the Galactic Encyclopedia.

'Only the most important parts of civilization need to be left.'

'You need to decide what to leave as knowledge and what to forget.'

'We are witnessing a crisis now.'

'I can't turn back anymore'


'Change your destiny'

Distribution started on Apple + on September 24, 2021.

in Video,   Movie, Posted by logu_ii