What is the identity of the 'mermaid' that appears in large numbers in Norwegian Google search results?

If you do a Google search in Norwegian, the domain 'havfruen4220.dk' that includes the Danish word 'Havfruen' which means mermaid will almost always appear in the search results. The domain belongs to a spam site, but Norwegian web developer Alexskra is skeptical because it hits every word in a search.
The mermaid is taking over Google search in Norway --ALEXSKRA
According to Alexskra, havfruen4220.dk will appear as a candidate in search results for Norwegian companies, newspapers and various other words. For example, if you search for Norway's largest grocery chain ' REMA 1000 ', you will see 'havfruen4220.dk' at the top of page 5.

Alternatively, enter 'hvor of te,' which means 'How often,' which people are likely to search for, and search for the first search candidate, 'hvor of te bør man dusje (how often should you take a shower?)'. Then ...

Havfruen4220.dk will appear on the first page.

In addition, the search result only for havfruen4220.dk is 9.95 million. According to Alexskra, most of these are recently created pages.

When you visit these pages, you will be redirected to spam sites that show 'how to make money online faster' or sites disguised as Norwegian news sites.
In addition, if you access havfruen4220.dk directly, you will only see the graffiti of the

Alexskra said that the reason why spam sites appear at the top of search results is that 'users who visit the site cannot browser back due to malicious UI and have to stay on the page for a long time. Google stayed on the page for a long time. Detect and rank your site high. '
Alexskra said, 'Spam sites like this have been around for a long time, but I've never seen them appear at the top of search results.' 'How profitable would you be if you could show your site in all of your Google search results?' Will it be possible? '
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