How did Bill Gates see the launch of Apple's digital music distribution service, the iTunes Music Store, which changed the music industry?

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The iPod digital music player released by Apple in 2001 and the iTunes Music Store (now the iTunes Store), a digital music distribution service released in 2003, have made it possible for users to purchase digital data of songs at low cost. It was. These were epoch-making products and services that were said to have 'changed the way the music industry should be', but when the iTunes Music Store was launched, how did Microsoft founder Bill Gates do? An email has been unearthed that tells you if you were reacting.

Unearthed email shows Bill Gates reacting to iTunes Music Store launch --9to5Mac

A Twitter account called @TechEmails, which tweets 'contents of emails sent by tech executives' revealed in past reports, was sent by Bill Gates to Microsoft executives on April 30, 2003. I'm picking up the email I did.

In an email, Gates said, 'Steve Jobs has the talent to'focus on some important things','get people who understand the user interface (UI) correctly' and'sell as innovative'. Jobs has now unleashed this talent and succeeded in launching the iTunes Music Store by signing a license agreement with the music industry that is better than anyone else. It's great, because the existing services offered by music companies are inconvenient for users. It's a real pleasure for the music industry to give Apple the opportunity to launch a new service. ' He noted Jobs' talent and made the launch of the iTunes Music Store a pleasure for Microsoft.

He went on to say, 'We've been discussing digital music so far, and we've always said that the buy-out service is better than the subscription model, because in the subscription model, which songs do you own? And I don't know if it's there. Also, the subscription model doesn't always give you the songs that users really want. I'm not saying that the subscription model will fail, but if we adopt the subscription model. If you start a music sales service and fail , it means that all services have failed following Real , PressPlay, and MusicNet. 'At the time of writing the article, the subscription model adopted by many services. 'There is a high risk of failure,' he said.

'Since Jobs launched the iTunes Music Store, we need to launch a service that has the same UI and license agreement (as the iTunes Music Store),' he added. I explained that the service should be launched as soon as possible.

The content of Gates' email tweeted by @TechEmails is part of the data released in a class action proceeding against Microsoft in 2000 by a group of customers and companies.

in Web Service, Posted by logu_ii