I tried to see how 'Black Thunder Hitokuchi size sugar 50% OFF' is different from the usual Black Thunder
'Black Thunder Hitokuchi Size Sugar 50% OFF ' will be released on July 12, 2021 (Monday), which realizes 50% off sugar while maintaining the deliciousness, texture and volume of Black Thunder. It is said that they use whole grain biscuits and original blended chocolate, so I tried to see how it differs from the usual Black Thunder.
Black Thunder One-size-fits-all sugar 50% OFF is a type that contains one-size-fits-all Black Thunder in a pouch.
One bag of 42g has 205 calories and 23.1g of carbohydrates. Of this, 10.4g of sugar and 12.7g of dietary fiber.
Looking at the raw material names, chocolate, cocoa cookies, wheat flour, almonds, whole wheat flour, etc. The chocolate also contains the letters of dietary fiber.
When I opened it, it contained 7 pieces per bag.
I also bought the regular version of Black Thunder for comparison.
The regular version has 112 calories per 21g and 13.1g of carbohydrates. Black Thunder One bite size When calculated with 42g according to 50% off sugar, calories are 224kcal and carbohydrates are 26.2g. The calories are almost the same, and the amount of carbohydrates is 26.2g and 23.1g, which look almost the same, but it seems that the amount of sugar is reduced due to the inclusion of dietary fiber.
Looking at the raw material name, unlike Black Thunder, which had a description of 'chocolate' and 50% off sugar, the regular version of Black Thunder has a description of quasi-chocolate. Also, chocolate does not contain dietary fiber.
Looking at the two Black Thunders side by side, it looks like this. Black Thunder One bite size 50% off sugar is about one length of the regular version with three. There is not much difference in the color of chocolate when viewed from the outside, but ...
The cross section was very different. Comparing the cross sections, Black Thunder bite size sugar 50% OFF contains a slightly yellow whole grain biscuit, and the color of the cocoa biscuit is also lighter.
Black Thunder has a 'crispy texture', but Black Thunder's bite-sized sugar 50% OFF has a lighter and crispy texture. The aroma of biscuits and the sweetness of chocolate go well together, but the taste is somewhat reminiscent of Alfort because it does not have the 'following cocoa feeling' of the regular version of Black Thunder and has a strong scent unique to whole grains. Although it has a slightly different taste from Black Thunder, it will satisfy your sweet desires, so it may be good for people who are concerned about sugar.
In addition, Black Thunder Hitokuchi size sugar 50% OFF will be available only at convenience stores nationwide from Monday, July 12, and the price is 129 yen including tax.
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