'The name of Wi-Fi that bugs the iPhone' is discovered again, this time it is irreparable and there is no choice but to return it to the factory

A new network name has been discovered that causes a similar problem with the problem that 'a bug that the Wi-Fi function of the iPhone does not work completely when connecting to the Wi-Fi network of a specific SSID' was discovered on the iPhone. The bug found last time could be solved by resetting the network settings, but the one found this time is reported to be more serious because it can only be cleared by returning the device to the factory default state.
Researcher finds certain network names can disable Wi-Fi on iPhones --The Verge
Security researcher Carl Schou disabled all Wi-Fi related features on the iPhone on June 19, 2021 when he connected to the SSID network '% p% s% s% s% s% n'. I announced that it will be. 9to5Mac, a news media related to Apple products that addressed this issue, said, 'iOS interprets the string'% (alphabet)'as a variable name or command instead of text, causing a buffer overflow. Isn't it? '
It is revealed that there is a bug that can completely disable the Wi-Fi function of iPhone --GIGAZINE

Continuing from last time, when Schou connects the iPhone to a Wi-Fi network named '% secretclub% power' on July 4, the device will not be able to use Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi related functions, and I reported that resetting the network settings did not recover.
You can permanently disable any iOS device's WiFI by hosting a public WiFi named% secretclub% power
— Carl Schou (@vm_call) July 4, 2021
Resetting network settings is not guaranteed to restore functionality. #Infosec # 0day
Resetting the network settings didn't restore functionality, so 9to5Mac said, 'The only solution to this problem seems to be a hard reset of the device to factory defaults. 9to5Mac has this problem on its own. I haven't tested it and I don't recommend anyone trying it out. '
'% P% s% s% s% s% n', which was found to cause problems last time, and '% secretclub% power' discovered this time both include '% p' and '% s'. They have something in common. From this, it seems that 9to5Mac has many other bugs related to the strings '% p' and '% s', or '% n'. Therefore, the network name contains the percent sign. The safest thing to do is to avoid connecting to your Wi-Fi network, and wait for an update to fix an OS bug caused by Apple. ' ..
The IT news site The Verge asked Apple to comment on the issue, but said it hadn't been answered at the time of writing.
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