'Lipton Rooibos Tea Punch' tasting review with the gorgeous flavor of peach combined with decaffeinated rooibos tea

Morinaga Milk Industry has released 'Lipton Rooibos Tea Punch, ' which is made by adding three types of juice, peach, strawberry, and grape, to rooibos tea carefully selected by the tea brand ' Lipton.' It is said that the amount of fruit juice is 7 times that of the standard ' Lemon Tea' of the Lipton series, so I actually tasted rooibos tea with plenty of fruit taste.
'Lipton Rooibos Tea Punch' will be on sale nationwide for a limited time from June 15th (Tuesday)! | News Release | Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd.
This is 'Lipton Rooibos Tea Punch'. The image of peach, strawberry and grape is drawn on the package.

This time Lipton uses 'Rooibos tea' made by drying the leaves of the legume shrub '

Raw materials are sugar mixed fructose corn syrup, thigh juice, strawberry juice, grape juice, rooibos tea extract powder, etc.

Calories are 97kcal per 240ml bottle. Approximately 40 kcal when converted to 100 ml.

It is a cup-type drink that you can easily drink just by pointing a straw, but this time I will open it and take a look at the contents. It looks like rooibos tea itself, and has a tea-like color with a strong red color. When you bring your face closer, the scent of peach drifts in addition to the scent of rooibos tea.
That's why I actually drank it. It is said that it uses three types of juice, peach, strawberry, and grape, but when you drink it, the peach is overwhelmingly strong, and the impression that strawberry and grape are hidden in the shadow of peach. The scent has a strong rooibos tea, and when you drink it, you can feel the scent of rooibos coming out of your nose. Although it was quite sweet overall, it had a non-greasy type of sweetness and a refreshing taste.

Morinaga Milk Industry's 'Lipton Rooibos Tea Punch' has been on sale from June 1, 2021 at some convenience stores, and will be on sale nationwide from June 15. The suggested retail price is 150 yen excluding tax.
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log