'A troche that cures cavities and strengthens teeth just by licking' is under development

Normally, teeth are regenerated only once in life, and in order to treat teeth that have been punctured by tooth decay, it is necessary to have a dentist sharpen or cover the teeth. there is. However, a research team at the University of Washington has developed a '

troche that heals your teeth just by licking them and makes them less prone to tooth decay' without having to sharpen or pull out your teeth.

Trials begin on lozenge that rebuilds tooth enamel --UW School of Dentistry

Professor Mehmet Sarikaya and colleagues at the University of Washington School of Dentistry have developed a lozenge containing capsules of genetically engineered peptides. This peptide is derived from amelogenin , which is an important protein for the formation of enamel, and plays an important role in the formation of cementum that constitutes the surface of the tooth root. The capsule contains phosphorus and calcium ions, which are the components of tooth enamel.

Amelogenin-derived peptides are designed to bind to and repair damaged areas of enamel

and integrate with the dentin inside the teeth, without affecting the soft tissues in the oral cavity. thing. Licking 2 tablets a day can repair enamel, and 1 tablet a day can maintain a healthy enamel layer. In other words, just licking this troche is enough to treat mild cavities.

The taste of the troche is mint, so it can be safely taken by adults and children. In addition, the research team reports that fluorine, which can protect and strengthen enamel, can be used at the same time as the troche at a low concentration of about 20% of the concentration contained in general fluorine-containing toothpaste.

As of March 2021, the troche has been tested on human, porcine, and rat extracted teeth and live rats, and is undergoing clinical trials in actual patients. Professor Sarikaya commented, 'Clinical trials have three purposes: to show efficacy, to put together data into a treatise, and to confirm the whitening effect compared to existing treatments.' Did.

Also, according to Professor Salikaya, research is being conducted on how to treat dental hypersensitivity using similar artificial peptides. Hypersensitivity is a disease in which the enamel weakens and the underlying dentin and nerves are stimulated by temperature differences, causing pain. Treatments include blocking the stimulus, such as covering the teeth or paralyzing the nerves with drugs, but all have temporary effects. However, a troche that regenerates and strengthens enamel can provide a radical cure, the researchers said.

in Science, Posted by log1i_yk