China's fusion reactor 'EAST' breaks world record, maintaining 120 million degree plasma for 101 seconds

'Chinese artificial sun' sets new world record --Xinhua |
Fusion power generation (fusion reactor) is also called 'artificial sun' and is being researched all over the world to solve energy shortages and switch to renewable energy. In December 2020, South Korea's fusion research device ' KSTAR ' succeeded in maintaining a plasma of 100 million degrees for 20 seconds.
World record of artificial sun set, succeeded in maintaining plasma of 100 million degrees for 20 seconds --GIGAZINE

According to China's

According to the Xinhuanet, EAST is operated with the ultimate goal of providing energy by performing nuclear fusion using
The research results of EAST will also be used for the international fusion experimental reactor 'ITER ' in which 35 countries including Japan participate in the development. In addition, the ' JT-60SA Project ' jointly implemented by Japan and Europe and the research results of KSTAR are scheduled to be fed back to ITER, and expectations are rising for the realization of fusion power generation.
Construction of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), in which Japan also participates, has finally begun --GIGAZINE

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