As a result of research that the drowsiness elimination effect of caffeine depends on the type of task, what kind of work is the effect of caffeine weak?

Many people drink coffee as a drowsiness wake up when they wake up or before they start working or studying. Studies to date have confirmed that caffeine contained in coffee and the like has '

the effect of reducing adverse effects on cognitive ability ' and 'the effect of improving memory'. However, a new study found that 'the effect of caffeine on improving cognitive function depends on the nature of the work.'

Caffeine selectively mitigates cognitive deficits caused by sleep deprivation --PubMed

Can caffeine cure sleep deprivation? | MSUToday | Michigan State University

When a person lacks sleep, he or she becomes distracted, which causes various cognitive declines. Kimberly Fen and his team, who study psychiatry at Michigan State University, sent 276 participants to examine how caffeine affects the loss of attention caused by sleep deprivation. We collected and conducted experiments.

The research team first asked all participants to perform two types: a simple 'reaction test' and an advanced 'placekeeping test.' The reaction test is

called the Psychomotor Arousal Test (PVT) , which is a simple test in which characters are displayed on the screen and a button is pressed. Placekeeping tests, on the other hand, were relatively complex tests that required the tasks to be performed in the proper order.

The research team then randomly divided the participants into two groups, one group returning home and sleeping normally, and the other group staying up all night in the laboratory. The next day, each group was given capsules containing 200 mg of caffeine or placebo (placebo) and two tests were performed again.

As a result, it was confirmed that the sleep-deprived participants had lower results in both tests, but the results of the 'reaction test' improved when caffeine was ingested. However, the performance of the 'placekeeping test' was almost unchanged with or without caffeine.

From this result, Mr. Feng said, 'Caffeine enhances the ability to wake up drowsiness and concentrate on work, but it is not very effective in preventing' procedure mistakes 'that cause medical errors and traffic accidents. If we could reduce malpractice, it would have been good news for doctors, pilots, police officers, and others who had to perform dangerous tasks in situations where they couldn't get enough sleep, but this result is rather important for sleep. It was a renewed emphasis on that. '

in Science,   Food, Posted by log1l_ks