'Drinking can cause brain atrophy, even in moderate amounts,' says data from 25,000 people.

There is a word 'sake is the best medicine,' but, even in the appropriate amount of drinking

as there is a heightened risk of a stroke Ri, hastened the decline of brain cognitive functions it has been found to benefit. A study of more than 25,000 people in the United Kingdom found that alcohol consumption causes atrophy of parts of the brain.

No safe level of alcohol consumption for brain health: observational cohort study of 25,378 UK Biobank participants
(PDF file) https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.10.21256931v1.full.pdf

Any amount of alcohol consumption harmful to the brain, finds study | Alcohol | The Guardian

The paper was published by a research team of Anya Topiwara, a researcher at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford. In this study, we analyzed data such as age, gender, educational background, self-reported drinking volume, brain size and health status by MRI scan, hospital and outpatient visit information, memory test, etc. of 25,378 subjects. ..

The results showed that the higher the weekly alcohol consumption, the lower the gray matter density in the brain. Alcohol was also found to reduce gray matter volume by up to 0.8%, taking into account the individual's biological and behavioral characteristics. In addition, underlying disorders such as high blood pressure and high BMI strengthened the negative link between alcohol and brain health.

This '0.8%' number seems to be very small, but it has a greater impact than other risk factors. For example, drinking alcohol has almost four times the effect on the brain when compared to smoking and obesity, Topiwala explains.

Previous studies have shown that drinking a moderate amount of wine is more beneficial than beer or spirited liquor, but in this study, different types of alcoholic beverages have different risks to the brain. No evidence was found to indicate that it would occur.

'There is no detrimental threshold for alcohol consumption, and any alcohol can have a negative effect on the brain, and it affects almost the entire brain, not just specific areas as previously thought. It seems that you will receive it. '

'Drinking wine is associated with a high level of education and financial status,' said Topiwala. 'At least in the UK, moderate drinkers are often well-educated and wealthy, and have memory. The tests are also much better than those with low education. '

'The findings of Topiwala and colleagues are more compelling than many other assumptions,' said Colin Angus, senior researcher at the Sheffield Alcohol Research Group at the University of Sheffield. He said that understanding how it affects diseases and the like is a future task.

in Science,   Food, Posted by log1i_yk