'Space Gray' color is quietly abolished from Mac accessories

It was announced that the high-spec, high-priced
Apple Discontinuing Space Gray Mac Accessories Now That iMac Pro is Dead --MacRumors
In March 2021, it was revealed that the iMac Pro will be discontinued. The sales page of the official online store says 'It will end as soon as it is out of stock'. Speaking of iMac, the main body color was only 'silver' so far, but iMac Pro is finished with 'space gray' that has never existed, and it has an unprecedented stylish appearance. ..
Professional desktop 'iMac Pro' with standard price of 550,000 yen will be discontinued --GIGAZINE

At the same time, Apple has added a new color, Space Gray, to the genuine Mac accessories Magic Keyboard, Magic Mouse 2, and Magic Trackpad 2.

However, the Space Gray color of the three accessories Magic Keyboard, Magic Mouse 2, and Magic Trackpad 2 has been shown to be 'finished as soon as they are out of stock,' like the iMac Pro. Apple-related media MacRumors first reported that the 'Space Gray' color of Mac accessories will be discontinued.
Even on the official Apple online store in Japan, if you select Space Gray as the color, you can see that 'It will end as soon as it is out of stock' is written at the bottom left of the screen.
In addition, Apple has redesigned the iMac with the M1 equipped iMac announced in 2021, and along with this, accessories such as Magic Keyboard, Magic Mouse, and Magic Trackpad have been transformed into new colorful ones. In addition, accessories for M1 equipped iMac are bundled with iMac, and sales of accessories alone are not at the time of article creation.
Apple announces 'iMac' reborn with new design & M1 chip, ultra-thin and abundant color variations --GIGAZINE

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in Hardware, Posted by logu_ii