Research reports showing that immunity to the new coronavirus lasts for more than 8 months are published one after another

Numerous studies have been conducted on the duration of immunity against the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), and so far, '
Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 assessed for up to 8 months after infection --PubMed

Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19 | National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Neutralizing antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in symptomatic COVID-19 is persistent and critical for survival | Nature Communications
Covid 19 Antibodies Last 8 Months After Infection: Study
From April to May 2020, a seroprevalence survey of IgG antibodies to the new coronavirus was conducted in Spain for more than 60,000 people. Research has shown that 14% of people diagnosed with antibodies lose their antibodies after a few weeks or months. The results showed that immunity to the new coronavirus could be lost in weeks or months.
New research result that 'immunity of new coronavirus lasts only for a few weeks' --GIGAZINE
In response, in January 2021, a study focusing on
Immunity of the new corona may 'continue to evolve' instead of weakening, is it compatible with mutant strains? --GIGAZINE

NIH also announced the results of research on the immunity of the new coronavirus in January 2021. In this study, about 50 patients who recovered from COVID-19 were collected multiple times over 8 months, focusing on immune cells such as
As a result of the investigation, the antibody level against the new coronavirus decreased slightly in 8 months. In contrast, memory B cells increase over time. Furthermore, 6 months after the onset of COVID-19 symptoms, 92% of patients had CD4 + T cells, which are precursors of helper T cells , and half of the patients had CD8 + T, which is a precursor of killer T cells. It turns out that it keeps the cells.
In addition, when 95% of patients are infected with the new coronavirus 8 months later, there are 5 types of IgA antibody, IgG antibody, memory B cell, helper T cell, and killer T cell involved in immunity to the new coronavirus. It has also been shown that he continued to have at least three of his immune systems.

'The results of this study show that people vaccinated with the new coronavirus vaccine may be able to maintain immunity to the new coronavirus for long periods of time after vaccination,' NIH said.
In addition, on May 11, 2021, the Italian National Institutes of Health published a research paper on 162 COVID-19 patients at Nature Communications. The research team concludes in a paper that 'antibodies to the new coronavirus decrease over time, but remain in the blood for more than eight months.'
In addition, about 57% of the patients surveyed in this study had underlying diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, and the research team said, 'Regardless of the patient's age and the presence or absence of underlying diseases, the new corona Immunity to the virus lasts for a long time. '
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in Science, Posted by log1o_hf