Samsung announces the announcement of 'the most powerful Galaxy'

Samsung has announced that it will hold a new product launch event, ' Galaxy Unpacked, ' on April 28, 2021. The preview video released at the same time hints at the appearance of a device shaped like a notebook PC.

[Invitation & Trailer] Galaxy Unpacked 2021 --Samsung US Newsroom

Samsung has announced that it will hold a new product launch event 'Galaxy Unpacked' on April 28, 2021 at 11:00 pm Japan time, with the statement 'The most powerful Galaxy is coming soon'. The following movie is a preview video of 'Galaxy Unpacked' released by Samsung.

Galaxy Unpacked Official Trailer-YouTube

A man from a delivery company is loading a cardboard box labeled 'Galaxy' into his car.

A cardboard box that emits blue light in the car.

Blue light is also leaking from the delivery vehicle.

The cardboard box has arrived at the man.

When the man picks up the cardboard box, the blue light intensifies and the screen says 'The most powerful Galaxy is coming.'

Then, a cube that emits blue light appears from the bottom ...

It behaves like opening a laptop screen.

Finally, the movie ends with the announcement of the date of the new product announcement event, 'April 28, 2021'.

Hardware-related media PCMag said, 'Samsung may announce laptops with proprietary chips like Apple's M1 chip .' 'Also, Samsung 's 90Hz- powered organic It may be equipped with an EL display , 'he predicts the configuration of the device to be announced.

in Hardware, Posted by log1o_hf