'Eyecam', a webcam with 'eyes' that look exactly like the real thing that moves, is born

A webcam that can capture and record the scene in front of you is an external input device that works like the human eye for a computer.
Marc Teyssier | Eyecam
Eyecam – Human Computer Interaction Lab
This webcam dares to ask: what if the panopticon had flesh? --The Verge
You can see how Eyecam works by watching the following movie.
New generation of webcam? The human eye webcam. --YouTube
This is Eyecam. Eyebrows and eyelashes grow on a silicone case that reproduces the texture of human skin, and the eyeballs fit in the eye holes.

The skeleton and wrinkles around the eyes are also reproduced.

And the eyeball can move freely.

Since the camera is built into the pupil, the camera moves with the movement of the eyeball. When combined with image recognition software, you can move your eyes while recognizing a person's face ...

You can also move your field of view.
If you block the view of Eyecam with your hand ...

Eyecam closed its eyes as if it had fallen asleep. 'The human eye makes'eye contact', which is essential for communication. People can see happiness, anger, boredom, and fatigue through the facial expressions of the eyes. Web cameras are human eyes. Like the eyes, it has the purpose of 'seeing things,' but it is not expressive and does not convey emotions like the human eye. Eyecam reproduces the emotional aspects of the eyes on the camera. I will do it. '

The frame that forms the skeleton of Eyecam looks like this.

A small camera is housed in a cover that imitates an eyeball.

The inside of Eyecam that moves the eyeball looks like this, it's pretty simple.

Then, remove the silicon that covers the entire Eyecam from the mold.

By adjusting the color of silicon, it can be adjusted to suit various skin colors.

In addition, by planting artificial hair on the eyebrows and eyelashes, you can make the modeling more realistic.

'Eyecam is an important design prototype for exploring the potential future of sensing devices,' said Teissier and colleagues. 'By presenting Eyecam, an anthropomorphic webcam that mimics the human eye, I We are calling for the challenge of ubiquitous sensing devices and rethinking the expressions and behaviors associated with sensing devices. '
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