Apple tops the list of 'number of AI-related companies acquired between 2016 and 2020'

Research firm
Apple the top acquirer of AI companies while other US tech giants also among the forerunners, says GlobalData --GlobalData
Apple bought more AI companies than anyone else between 2016 and 2020 --9to5Mac
Global Data points out that for the five years from 2016 to 2020, acquisitions of AI-related companies have been dominated by major American tech companies. In fact, according to the GlobalData database, four of the top five companies that acquired the most AI-related companies during the same period were Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook. The top five non-American companies are Ireland-based Accenture .
'AI remains an important area for tech giants, and acquisitions are skyrocketing as competition to dominate the area intensifies,' said Aurojyoti Bose, lead business fundamental analyst at GlobalData. I will.
Apple (25 companies) acquired the most AI-related companies between 2016 and 2020, followed by Accenture (17 companies), Google (14 companies), Microsoft (12 companies), and Facebook (9 companies). I will. Apple acquired 5 companies in 2016, 7 companies in 2017, 3 companies in 2018, 5 companies in 2019, 5 companies in 2020, and it is said that many AI-related companies are acquired every year. I understand.

Among the 25 AI-related companies that Apple has acquired over the past five years is the music search service Shazam.

'Apple is stepping up its acquisition of AI-related companies and is trading to improve Siri and create new features for the iPhone,' said Nicklas Nilsson, senior analyst at GlobalData. Inductiv was acquired to improve Siri, Irish voice technology startup Voysis was acquired to improve Siri's natural language processing capabilities, and PullString was acquired to make Siri easier for iOS developers to use. It was done, 'he said, pointing out that many of Apple's acquisitions were made to improve Siri, a voice recognition assistant.
'The acquisition of Apple is meant to help Siri catch up with voice recognition assistants such as Google's Google Assistant and Amazon's Alexa. Siri was the earliest competing service to hit the market, but it's called'smart'. It lags behind the other two rivals in that respect. It's clear that these delays have led to delays in sales in Apple's smart speaker space, and Apple has a solid position in the wearable device market. We want to keep it. The acquisition of in 2020 was done to improve the on-edge processing of Apple Watch, which eliminates the need to send data to the cloud and ensures data privacy. It's improving, 'said Nilsson.
According to Bose, 'According to the analysis of the Job Analytics database provided by Global Data, the companies ranked in the top 5 in terms of the number of acquisitions of AI-related companies are aggressive not only in acquisitions but also in recruiting AI personnel, It is also clear that has submitted as many as 14,000 jobs, 'he said, showing that he is looking for AI-related personnel not only in acquisitions but also in jobs.
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