Russia slows down Twitter, and it is pointed out that the Russian government agency is receiving the best

Russia is such as to enact and enforced the law to strengthen the monitoring of the Internet, the regulation of the Internet has intensified , the Russian government authorities is now clear that reduced the speed of Twitter in the March 10 date 2021. However, it has been pointed out that this measure may cause problems not only for services other than Twitter, but also for the Russian government itself.
Роскомна дзор --Роскомна дзор принял меры по защите российских граждан от влияния противо правно
Russia moves to slow Twitter's speed after protest row | Reuters
Russia botches Twitter throttling, cripples anything with t-dot-co in the name – including Reddit, Microsoft • The Register
Russian attempt to throttle Twitter appears to backfire | Ars Technica

The Russian government announced that Twitter will slow down on Wednesday, March 10. According to Russia's Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, Electronic Media and Publishing (Roskomnadzor), authorities have dealt with child pornography, substance abuse and content that encourages minor suicide in the last four years. Despite sending more than 18,000 deletion requests to Twitter, 3168 of them are said to remain undeleted.
For the above reasons, authorities have announced that they will slow down Twitter on 100% of mobile devices and 50% of fixed devices 'to protect Russian citizens.' Authorities also said that if Twitter continues to display content that has been requested to be deleted, it will be completely blocked.
In response, a Twitter spokeswoman said, 'We are promoting open internet around the world, and we are concerned about this kind of blocking and deprivation of online discussions. I want to keep in mind that we have a zero-tolerance policy for sexual exploitation of children, and anything that beautifies or recommends suicide or self-harm violates Twitter's rules, and I They do not allow Twitter to be used for illegal activities, including drug trafficking. '
On the other hand, Doug Madory , director of Internet analysis Kentic, said that Russia's measures targeted Twitter's shortened URL '' and other than Twitter 'Reddi'. domain, including the ',' such as 'and' Microsof m 'was also pointed out the possibility that is decelerated.
Today's outages in Russia appears to have been caused by a bad substring match by @roscomnadzor .
— Doug Madory (@DougMadory) March 10, 2021
Intending to block Twitter's link shortener t [.] Co, Russia blocked all domains containing t [.] Co, for example
Microsoft [.] Com and Reddit [.] Com.
(H / T @GregoryKhodyrev )
It has also been pointed out that access problems were reported at the same time on Russia's largest telecommunications provider, Rosteleccom, and on some Russian government websites, and were affected by the measures taken by Roskomnadzor. On the other hand, there is also a view that a cyber attack that has nothing to do with the slowdown of Twitter has occurred.
Majority of governmental intervention'websites go live after failure --Society & Culture --TASS
Russia slows down Twitter as part of social media clampdown | PBS NewsHour

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