Users who spread rumors that "earthquakes occurred within 6 days" were arrested

ByDaniel Hoherd

Within government agenciesProhibited use of Windows 8On the day of the 25th anniversary of Tiananmen IncidentBlock access to GoogleIn China, which is strengthening regulations overseas products and the Internet, four people were arrested as "spreading rumors on the Internet" this time.

Arrests, warnings as China targets rumormongering - Xinhua |

China's state-run communications company ·XinhuaAccording to the report, the Chinese authorities arrested four users on charges of posting rumor level information to SNS and spreading it. Four posts were viewed by more than 5000 users and retweed more than 500 times.

There are several posts which became problem, such as "Earthquake occurs in Beijing within 2 to 6 days", "A gunshot was heard in an urban area of ​​Beijing" and so on. The four people arrested may be charged with defamation, in which case they will be sentenced to imprisonment with imprisonment of 3 years or less, or criminal penalty of deprivation of political rights such as suffrage.

ByRicardo Alguacil

In addition, the Chinese authorities announced that they warned 81 users for similar reasons and imposed penalties on 16 websites.

On August 6, 2014, there was a report that the Chinese government prohibited the use of Apple products in government agencies for security reasons, but the governmentDenial the pressDid. I can not keep an eye on whether China will strengthen regulations and information control overseas products and the Internet and will continue to adopt a tough posture in the future.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log