The first single-dose corona vaccine is approved by the FDA, the third corona vaccine

The new Coronavirus Infectious Diseases (COVID-19) vaccine developed by
FDA authorizes one-dose COVID-19 vaccine --The Verge

The COVID-19 vaccine developed by J & J requires only one inoculation and can be stored in a normal refrigerator. This is the third time that the FDA has approved the use of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the first time that it has been approved as a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine. There are two COVID-19 vaccines that have been approved for use by the FDA, ' BNT162b2' jointly developed by Pfizer BioNTech SE and 'mRNA-1273 ' developed by Moderna.
J & J's COVID-19 vaccine can be given to people over the age of 18, and no safety issues have been identified at the clinical trial stage. Clinical trials in the United States have shown that a single dose has a protective effect of 74%, but in South Africa, where variants of the new coronavirus are widespread, the protective effect is slightly reduced. Early studies also suggested that a single dose of J & J vaccine could prevent asymptomatic infection with COVID-19.
The COVID-19 vaccine from Moderna and Pfizer is an mRNA vaccine, while the J & J vaccine is a vaccine that uses adenovirus as a vector . While the mRNA vaccine requires freezing for long-term storage, J & J's adenovirus vaccine can be stored refrigerated for about 3 months. In addition, since the J & J vaccine requires only one vaccination, it has a greater logistics advantage than other companies' COVID-19 vaccines.
In addition, New York City officials say that J & J's vaccine can be stored in a refrigerator and is suitable for door-to-door visits, and hopes to use it for inoculation of elderly people at home.
It is difficult to compare COVID-19 vaccines because there are no clinical trials that directly compare the preventive effects of the vaccines. Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have been cross-tested in the United States and other countries before the emergence of variants of the new coronavirus. In addition, the 'mild,' 'moderate,' and 'severe' symptoms defined in clinical trials are also different, so it is difficult to compare the preventive effects numerically.
The J & J vaccine, like the other two COVID-19 vaccines, has been shown to prevent the death of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Ashish Jha, Dean of Public Health at Brown University, said, 'What you care about is hospitalization and death from COVID-19. J & J's vaccine prevents them from being prevented by Moderna and Pfizer. It shows that it has the same effect as a vaccine, 'he said, and said that it would be a useful vaccine because it has an important' role to protect people from the danger of death 'in the fight against the new coronavirus.
In addition, J & J has prepared a vaccine that can be administered about 4 million times, and it is said that preparations for shipping to the United States have been completed. J & J had planned to prepare 12 million vaccines by the end of February 2021, but it seems that there is a delay in production because only 4 million vaccines have been prepared. J & J plans to prepare an amount that can be vaccinated 20 million times by the end of March 2021 and 100 million times by the end of June in the United States.
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