It is pointed out that women are heavier in the crime of 'killing a lover'

Many people may think of mass murder , indiscriminate murder , terrorism, etc. when they hear 'murder', but more than 80% of murders are 'acquaintances' . Among them, women tend to have longer sentences in the United States for 'partner murder' crimes such as lover murder and spouse murder, which are especially widely reported.
Are women punished more harshly for killing an intimate partner? | US crime | The Guardian

Women's March and the American Civil Liberties Union , which seek contraceptive / abortion rights and a gender-equal working environment, say that men are sentenced to two to six years in prison for killing partners on average, while women are sentenced to two to six years in prison. He points out the gender inequality associated with murders, which averages '15 years in prison.'
“The national average sentence for men who kill their female partners is 2-6 years in prison. In contrast, women who ...
Posted by Women's March Saturday, July 28, 2018
This point is based on findings published by an organization called National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Since this announcement was made in 1989, things may be different now, but it is true that the proportion of women imprisoned in the United States has continued to increase at a faster pace than men in recent years. As of 2018, the United States accounted for only 4% of the world's population, but the unusual situation is that women's capacity alone accounts for 33% of the world's population.
Mona Charaby, a female reporter at The Guardian, points out that it also suggests that women will be subject to stricter penalties for committing 'crimes that are considered masculine' such as murder. , Claims that these gender-discriminatory factors influence the rate of imprisonment of women. Research on gender disparity in sentencing is awaited.
Chalabi also touched on the difference between male partner killings and non-partner (others) killings at the end of the article, with manslaughter on current and former partners averaging 2.8 years in Ireland than manslaughter on non-partner killings. Pointed out that the sentence is short. 'Violence against intimate partners seems to be treated generously,' he concludes.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log