'EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS' which contains a large amount of pictograms about Japanese culture that can be used for free and for commercial purposes

' EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS ', which can be downloaded for free and can be used for commercial purposes, contains various
The distribution site for 'EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS' looks like this.

Scroll down to see the pictograms included in 'EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS'. Click on the pictogram for more details ...

The pictogram title and detailed description are displayed.

The explanation is also interesting as a reading material. For example, the description of sushi says, 'There must be a custom of eating with chopsticks ... but it seems correct to eat sushi with bare hands.'

This is a pictogram of ramen. 'Why do Japanese people go to eat ramen after drinking alcohol?'
The pictogram of udon looks like this. The shape of the noodles is different from the pictogram of ramen. You can access the

The download page looks like this. From the top, the input fields for 'Name (required)', 'Email address (required)', 'Usage (required)', 'Company name', and 'Comment' are lined up. After entering various information, carefully read the terms of use at the bottom of the screen, check 'I agree to the terms of use', and click 'DOWNLOAD' to download all the pictograms recorded in 'EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS'.

The downloaded file contained 275 pictograms in PNG and SVG formats.

'EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS' is also sold as an emoji on

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