Is life, the universe, the answer to all the ultimate questions '42' true?

Douglas Adams , the writer and screenwriter who created the ' Galaxy Hitchhiker Guide ' and ' Doctor Who ' series, which sold 16 million copies worldwide, gave special attention to the number '42'. A new treatise has been published as to whether the number 42 has meaning for the universe.

Measurement Quantization Describes the Physical Constants

Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy: New Research Says # 42 Really Is Our Number --Slashdot

The supercomputer deep sort in Adams' novel 'Galaxy Hitchhiking Guide' was asked about 'the ultimate answer to the question about life, the universe, and all things,' and after 7.5 million years of calculations, '42. I calculated. The number '42' became famous among science fiction fans, and the provisionally designated 2001 DA 42, an asteroid discovered in 2001 when Adams died, was named ' 25924 Douglasadams '. Also, when I entered 'the ultimate answer to the question about life, the universe, and all things' in Google search, the number became so famous that the calculator popped out as '42'.

Meanwhile, Jody Geiger, the founder of The Informativity Institute and a theoretical physicist at the University of Florida, who studies the relationship between quantum gravity and electronic structure , newly added 'Measurement Quantization Describes the Physical Constants' (measurement quantum). Quantization explains physical constants). The number '42' was often mentioned in the treatise.

The Informativity Institute's account cited a treatise on Slashdot, a bulletin board that deals with computer-related news, and commented that 'the world is a product of '42'.' Looking at the fine structure constant , electromagnetic constant, atomicity, etc. from the perspective of the Planck unit system , multiples of 42 and 42 will appear many times, so the number 42 is the number in our universe. It's what you define. ' 'Douglas Adams may have chosen the numbers meaninglessly when writing the Ultimate Hitchhiker Guide, but in reality he chose the right numbers. The numbers that define everything.' ..

On the other hand, although the International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, in which the above-mentioned treatise was published, is explained as a peer-reviewed journal, 'there is a lack of meaningful reviews' from the date of submission, acceptance, and publication of the treatise. and look, 'as has been pointed out , also raised voice with a question on the content of the paper.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log