'Hansa Teutonica' play review aimed at becoming a medieval German merchant and forming a trading network to gain fame more than anyone else

◆ Contents
The package of Hansa Teutonica BIG BOX looks like this.

The target age is 12 years old and over, the play time is 45 to 90 minutes, and the number of players is 3 to 5 people.

The contents are a rule manual and 5 'writing desks' that serve as player boards.

There are 3 types of game boards.

When unfolded, it looks like this. The two game boards on the left are the 'Hansa Alliance' and 'East Hanseatic League' depicting Northern Germany, and the vertically long game board on the far right is 'Britania' with a map of the British Isles.
There are two types of wooden tokens, a cube-shaped trader token and a cylindrical merchant token, and five colors of red, blue, yellow, purple, and green are available.

Cardboard bonus token

Emperor's Benefit Tokens and 9 Mission Cards for Experts

Score recording paper for score calculation.

◆ Game preparation
First, play 'Hansa Alliance'. The Hanseatic game boards are two sides of the same coin, 'for 2-3 people' and 'for 4-5 people'. This time we will play with 5 people.

We will distribute a writing desk to each person. There are 5 gauges on the writing desk, and trader tokens and merchant tokens are placed in all the squares except the minimum number as follows.

In addition, one Merchant Token and multiple Trader Tokens will be distributed as your 'personal supply'. The number of trader tokens you have to deal with first is 5 for the start player, and increases by 1 clockwise to 6, 7, 8, and 9.

Then place one trader token at a time in the '0' square of the Fame Points track around the game board.

Place the remaining tokens in the 'whole stock'.

Bonus tokens are stacked upside down and placed next to the game board.

Then place the black cube 'Complete City Token' on the Completed City Track at the top right of the game board.

Now you are ready.

◆ I tried playing 'Hansa Alliance' with 5 people
The game turns clockwise from the start player. After the game is over, the player with the most fame points wins.
On the turn, the player can play the prescribed action up to twice. The maximum number of actions is the number on the envelope labeled 'Actions' in the upper right corner of the writing desk. You can only act up to 2 times at the beginning of the game.

The first thing players do is place trader tokens or merchant tokens in the squares of the 'trade route' that connects cities. You can set up a trading post in a city or benefit from it by placing tokens on all trade route squares between cities and declaring 'establishment of a trade route'. ..

The number of squares on the trade route varies depending on the location, such as 2, 3, and 4. For example, in the case of the trade route connecting Kampen and Osnabrück, there were two squares, so the yellow player used two actions, set up one trader token of personal supply in each square, and filled the trade route at once. rice field. Now that we've used up the action, it's time to move on to the next player.

Then, when the turn comes next, Huang spends one action and declares 'establishment of a trade route'. Collect the two trader tokens on the trade route ...

Place one of them in the leftmost square of Osnabrück and 'establish a trading post'. The remaining tokens will be returned to the entire stock. 'Establishing a trading post' is an action included in the 'Establishing a trade route' action, and whether or not to establish it is optional.

The advantage of setting up a trading post is that you can get fame points. For example, a blue player who has placed trader tokens on all squares of the trade route connecting Warburg and Göttingen has declared the establishment of a trade route. Of the two cities leading to the trade route, Göttingen already has a green trading post.

Therefore, one additional fame point will be added to the green player. If you set up a trading post in a city, you will get one fame point every time a trade route connecting to that city is established, so it will be a valuable source of points.

Some cities have special benefits, and you can benefit from them instead of establishing a trading post. Göttingen, for example, has a picture of a man holding an envelope next to the city.

With the benefit of Göttingen, you can remove the leftmost trader token from the action gauge with a writing desk envelope and add it to your personal supply. Now that the action gauge is a number of '3', you can take actions up to 3 times in one turn. By benefiting from the city in this way, you can update your abilities and increase the number of tokens you have.

Lübeck has a picture of a man holding a gold coin bag. Establishing a trade route between Hamburg and Lübeck and benefiting from Lübeck ...

You can remove one trader token from the bank gauge with the gold coin bag in the lower right corner of the writing desk. This bank's gauge shows the number of tokens that can be replenished from the total stock by consuming one action.

For example, purple players have successfully removed all trader tokens on the bank's gauge by benefiting from Lübeck many times.

If you update your bank's gauge to the maximum, you will have an unlimited number of tokens that can be replenished from your entire stock at one time. The tokens placed on the game board will eventually return to the entire stock, and the available tokens will be exhausted from the personal supply, but with unlimited replenishment, I almost do not care about the remaining number of tokens. Will also get better.

Also, when you update the Privilegium (patented letter) gauge at the bottom left of the writing desk, the 'color of the square where you can put the token' will be released.

For example, in Osnabrück, Huang has already set up a trading post. In order for the blue player to set up a trading post in this Osnabrück, the trader token must be placed in the 'orange square' on the right where the yellow player's trader token is placed. In order to place a token on this orange square, you need to update the patent gauge. Note that when a token is placed in a city square, the player with the token on the far right is considered to be 'dominant' in the city.

To update the letter of patent gauge, you need to establish a trade route leading to the city of Stade. The green player tried to establish a trade route extending from the west to Stade, but he couldn't because the blue player had a merchant token in only one square.

So the green player decides to spend one action to kick out the blue player's merchant. The green player can now place tokens on all three squares of the trade route and establish a trade route.

However, in order to expel other players' tokens, you must pay the tokens from your personal supply to the entire token as a cost. The cost is 1 for trader tokens, but 2 for merchant tokens. It's a small difference, but depending on the amount of personal supply, you will be forced to make a fairly strict choice.

In addition, the exiled Blue Player Merchant Token gets two additional tokens from the entire stock and immediately puts them back in the original trade route and the adjacent trade route. In this case, it is possible to replace the tokens in the routes ① to ③ in the image below.

That's why I succeeded in placing tokens in all three squares of the trade route leading to Groningen at once. Placing tokens in anticipation of being expelled from another player is also a very important strategy, as it can have significant benefits when expelled from a trade route.

By establishing a trade route to Groningen, the blue player was able to remove one of the library gauge merchant tokens in the center of the lower center of the writing desk. Players can spend one action to move tokens, but this library gauge shows the number of tokens that can be moved at one time.

For example, in the screen below, there is one trade route between Hanover and Lüneburg, two trade routes between Minden and Brunswick, and a blue player trader token. At this rate, it will be difficult to establish either trade route, so ...

The blue player spends one action to move three trader tokens to the trade route between Minden and Hanover. You can now set up a trading post in Hanover.

However, immediately after the blue player established a trading post in Hanover, the yellow player who established a trade route between Hanover and Bremen established a trading post in Hanover. Only the player who 'dominates' the city can get fame points when establishing a trade route. With Hanover dominated by Huang, Blue players will no longer be able to gain fame, even if a trade route is established with Hanover somewhere in the future.

Some trade routes have bonus markers. The bonus marker is an item that can activate a special effect only once if it is your turn, and you can get it as a reward when you establish the trade route where it is placed. For example, the following token says, 'You can change the order of trading posts in the city.' With this bonus arcer, you can swap the position of the trading post in Hanover so that the blue player can gain fame points for establishing a trade route on behalf of the yellow player.

A city where all the squares are filled is a 'complete city'. Once you have a complete city, move the black token on the complete city track in the upper left one to the right. The game ends when this black token is on the far right, that is, when 10 complete cities are born.

That's how the game goes on ...

Green player gets 20 fame points. The game ends when any of the players get 20 Fame Points.

When the game is over, calculate the total fame points. Fame Points are the points of the Fame Points track, the ability to update the writing desk to the maximum, the number of bonus markers acquired, the Fame points that can be obtained in a specific city or trade route, the number of cities that dominate, and the maximum trade. Adds fame points from the net.

The trading network shows the number of trade routes that connect the cities where the trading posts are located. For example, the largest trading network for green players was the following trading network, which connects the four cities of Minden, Baderborn, Hildesheim, and Goslar with three trade routes. Therefore, the green player was able to get 3 points in this trading network.

Once you get used to the game, you can also get additional fame points by distributing 'mission cards' to each player. For example, the following card is an individual goal that you can get 5 points if you can establish a trading post in the 3 cities of Arunheim Berlenberg Hannover.

Also, the 'Emperor's Grace' that can be obtained by exchanging for 2 unused bonus tokens is an item with a very powerful effect. For example, the following emperor's benefit is that the number of actions is always +1. The grace of the emperor has a great influence on the content of the game depending on how it is used, so it can also create a big twist in unexpected places.

◆ I tried playing 'Britania'
In addition, I played the extended version of 'Britania'.

Although it is an extended version, the basic way of playing is exactly the same. However, in addition to 'England', Britannia is a blue 'Scotland' ...

The brown 'Wales' is set.

Scotland and Wales are initially unable to place tokens on trade routes. However, if each supervisor controls a city, you will only be able to place one token per turn. For example, a red player can now place one token at a time on a Welsh trade route square by establishing a trading post in Cardiff, where the Welsh oversight is located.

If you control London, you will be able to set up tokens in both Wales and Scotland. In addition, you can benefit from the gauge of the letter, and controlling London is directly linked to Britannia's control. Therefore, red, green and yellow players competed in London to establish a trading post.

With that kind of feeling, the trade route of Britannia will be cultivated more and more.

The green player who finally ranked first was characterized by developing a trade route in southern Britannia and expanding the trading network. Brimas, who can get special fame points, also dominated, and earning a large amount of fame points by establishing a trade route contributed to the victory.

This time,
There are many things you can do to set up tokens on the trade route and dominate the city, but it's fun to have troubles in a chain reaction when you're doing things like this and that. By the way. If you neglect to update the writing desk, you will obviously not be able to win, so you want to actively benefit from the city, but if you benefit from the city, the establishment of the trading post will be delayed and you will not be able to gain fame ... The dilemma such as ... is a big attraction.
At Hanseatic Teutonica, it is important to keep in mind the movements of others when installing tokens, as it will be of great benefit if the tokens are expelled. In other words, it is also an aggressive game in which the player actively interferes with the opponent's movements. Therefore, there is a possibility that the place will be quite squeaky during play. Also, the difficulty level is quite high, so it can be said that it is a little strict for board game beginners.
The cardboard writing desk will warp due to humidity and will move easily with a small impact, so it is a good idea to take measures such as laying a non-slip under the writing desk.

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