McDonald's 'Chicken Tatsuta Setouchi Lemon Tartar' tasting review with plenty of lemon-like tartar on chicken tatsuta

From January 27, 2021, ' Chicken Tatsuta Setouchi Lemon Tatsuta ', which is a combination of McDonald's 'Chicken Tatsuta' with ginger and soy sauce flavored chicken patties sandwiched with spicy sauce and shredded cabbage, will be released. doing. I actually bought and ate chicken tatsuta, which was developed with the hint of 'sweet and sour youth taste' from the manga '

touch '.

This year is the 30th anniversary! Collaboration with the popular youth manga 'Touch' based on the concept of the popular 'Chicken Tatsuta ®' and 'I'm lost, youth.' This year, 'Chicken Tatsuta Setouchi Lemon Tartar' is newly released!

Arrived at McDonald's.

This time, I bought two kinds of 'Chicken Tatsuta Setouchi Lemon Tartar' and 'Chicken Tatsuta'. The case has a touch illustration.

There was an illustration on the right side like this.

When I opened it and tried to size it, the height was about 7 cm ...

Same size as about 10 cm in diameter.

So, let's start with the Setouchi Lemon Tartar.

When I shifted the buns, I found that the chicken patties were covered with plenty of Setouchi lemon tartar, and I could see the presence of pickles and onions inside.

Under the chicken patties are shredded cabbage and an orange sauce that is different from tartar sauce.

The scent of lemon is just right when you bring your face closer.

When I tried it, the overwhelming scent of lemon and the presence of tartar sauce spread in my mouth. For a moment, I forget that this is chicken tatsuta, with the claim of tartar sauce, which has a slightly lemon-specific acidity. However, after the tartar sauce is pulled, the aroma of ginger soy sauce peculiar to chicken tatsuta and the aroma of chicken patties spread.

I will also try the regular version of chicken tatsuta.

When I slide the buns, there is no sauce on the chicken patties.

The moment you eat it, the scent of ginger soy sauce and the scent of chicken patties rush in, which is a good balance with sweet buns, and it is a perfection that has been loved for many years. Setouchi Lemon Tartar has a slightly artificial lemon scent, so you may like it or not, but the combination of tartar and patties makes it a chicken nanban style, so if you like tartar sauce, you should definitely try it.

Chicken tatsuta is 390 yen including tax, and chicken tatsuta Setouchi lemon tartar is 420 yen including tax, and it is offered from January 27th to the end of February.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log