The possibility of microplastics in the body reaching the foetation in the tummy emerges

The Italian research team was the first in the world to detect

microplastics in the human placenta . Researchers have warned that 'there are serious concerns,' suggesting that microplastics taken up by the mother may be transmitted via the placenta to the developing foetation.

Plasticenta: First evidence of microplastics in human placenta --ScienceDirect

Microplastics revealed in the placentas of unborn babies | Plastics | The Guardian

'Matter of great concern': Scientists find microplastics in human placenta for 1st time --National |

As the name implies, microplastics are 'fine plastic particles.' It is known that microplastics are generated not only from plastic products but also from (PDF file) toothpaste and exfoliating type cleansers , and in the latest research, plastic tea bags and paper cups have a large amount of microplastics. It is also known to be released into.

Drinking a cup of coffee in a paper cup will ingest 25,000 microplastics-GIGAZINE

The obstetrics and gynecology team at Fatebene Fratelli Hospital on the island of Tevere in Rome discovered that four of the six women who agreed to provide postnatal samples contained microplastics in their placenta. 'Research results showing that ingested microplastics have reached the placenta' was newly announced.

A total of 12 microplastics were found, 5 from the placenta on the fetal side, 4 from the mother's womb side, and 3 from the amniotic membrane side, but only about 4% of the placenta was analyzed in this study. , The research team claims that 'the total number of placesnta contained is much higher.' Since these microplastics were dyed blue, red, orange, and pink, the research team predicted that they were 'released from packaging, paints, cosmetics, and personal care products,' and microplastics were released from the placenta. Regarding the two women who were not detected, I suspect that the cause is a difference in lifestyle.

Since this study focused only on the placenta, it is unclear whether microplastics actually reached the foetation via the placenta. The researchers argue that placental microplastics can cause dangerous pregnancy symptoms such as pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation , whether microplastics in the human placenta provoke an immune response, and are included in microplastics. He said research on whether harmful pollutants affect pregnancy is needed.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log