Reasons and countermeasures for catching a cold in the cold season

In the cold season, you are more likely to get the flu virus or catch a cold than in the warm season.
Will going out in the cold give you a cold?
The cause of catching a cold is not only 'cold' but also various causes caused by cold. For example, many viruses such as influenza virus and rhinovirus, which is a typical causative virus of colds, multiply faster as the temperature is lower, and the infectious period lasts longer.

In addition, inhaling cold air weakens the immune system of the airways, making it easier for the virus to settle in the airways. Also, in the cold season, the air tends to dry, and the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose become dry, making it easier for the virus to settle.

Richard says 'wash your hands often,' 'do not touch your face,' 'sufficient hydration,' 'eat a balanced diet high in vitamin D,' and 'cold.' We also recommend going out and exercising, 'activating the humidifier if you feel dry in your throat or nose,' and 'inoculating the flu vaccine.'

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in Science, Posted by log1o_hf