Why does a runny nose run down when it's cold?


I am about to arrive in the middle of January, and the cold is about to finally come to pass. When such things are exposed to the cold air outdoors, there is a person who has something awkward a little because a runny has drooped on its own accord.

It is a physiological phenomenon that a runny nose drips down, but its principle is quite reasonable, and I admire that the human body is well done.

The mechanism that the nose drips on a cold day is from the following.Why Your Nose Gets Runny When It is Cold

A person's nose secretes about 1 quart (about 946 milliliters) of runny nose averaged over the day. Sometimes it happens not to bite a bite even though so many are out because the majority of secreted things flow to the throat and often swallow it without noticing even oneself. However, when breathing in the cold air of winter, there are many people who have experiences of having drooped from the nostrils without flowing into the throat.

At that time, what is going on inside the body is that the supply of blood to the nose increases in response to the cold air, and the capillaries in the nose are spread out to increase the blood flow.

Thanks to this reaction, my nose gets warmer and it gets warmed up before inspiration enters the lungs. Just increasing blood flow can not completely warm the cold air, but at the same time more blood is supplied to the glands secreting runny nose.

And, as blood flow increases, much more runny nose is secreted than usual, and as a result, it is sunk. However, this condition does not last all the time, and if you return to the warm environment such as indoors, the blood vessels in the nose will shrink and the function of the runny nose secretory glands will return to normal range.

Also, when you catch a cold or suffer from some sort of disease, the same reaction occurs in the body as when you are in the cold. However, in this case, rather than warming the inspiration, secretion of a runny nose is the main purpose, thereby trying to expel more bacteria from the body. People suffering from hay fever can not get out because the body is trying to kill allergens as a virus.

By the way, it is a bit different from the reaction so far that it stops steadily when crying, the tears which did not flow out of the eyelids fell down through the nose and go out together with a runny nose It is because it comes. Therefore, the runny nose when crying is quite watery.

Even if it says a runny nose in a word, there are various things in the meaning of its work and secretion. It is troublesome to be honest when the nose is clogged, but it seems to be considered as a reliable existence, which also serves as a signal that tells us of the surrounding environmental problems and poor physical condition.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log