Education in the United States is collapsing due to the shift to online lessons with the new Corona

In response to the epidemic of the new coronavirus, some educational institutions are advancing the curriculum through online lessons and home study to avoid crowding. However, it was found that students' grades declined frequently at public schools in the United States that actually switched to online classes.
Fairfax County Public Schools reports more students failing --The Washington Post
In the United States, student grades are primarily graded on a five-point scale: A, B, C, D, and F. From September 8th to October 30th, 2020, at least, according to an internal analysis (PDF file) by Fairfax County Public School in Virginia, USA, which has been teaching almost online since March 2020. The total number of students who were judged to be F (failed) in the two subjects was 9698 in junior high school and high school, an increase of 83% compared to the same period of the previous year. In addition, students with low household income showed a particularly large decline in grades, and it was particularly noticeable among students with low household income and non-English speaking students such as Hispanics.
However, not all of them had a significant decline in their grades, and the grades of the students who had been excellent for some time were slightly better than expected from the curriculum achievement patterns of the past few years. Even so, the number of cases in which students with poor grades receive C, D, or F judgments has increased explosively compared to the average year, and Fairfax County Public School said, 'According to the analysis results, the grade gap between students Has been shown to be expanding. '

Fairfax County isn't the only place where student grades have plummeted since switching to online classes. A
Jack Schneider, an assistant professor of education at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, said that factors such as family social and financial status, race, and whether parents speak English account for two-thirds of students' academic achievement and test performance. He said it occupies, and points out that switching to online learning at home rather than at school has deprived some students of language and math learning opportunities. 'What America can do now is to re-educate all students,' Schneider insisted.
Beginning in the fall of 2020, Fairfax County public high schools have resumed school attendance with priority given to students whose native language is not English, students with disabilities, and younger students from kindergarten to elementary school. However, due to problems in some areas, Fairfax County Board of Education Scott Brabrand decided to continue learning online, saying he was forced to cancel plans to resume school.

Of course, Fairfax County Public Schools are considering extending the semester to solve the problem of poor student grades. In addition, after imposing homework within one hour a week in each subject, it is said that it is implementing a grade improvement program in which absenteeism is not penalized and additional exams are actively conducted. However, a teacher at Fairfax County Public High School testified that 'although we have made all attempts to improve grades, 50% to 70% of the 150 students still have a D or F rating.' I will.
The teacher, who testified anonymously, adjusted his work schedule as much as possible when he was faced with a difficult situation, such as a student who was evacuated from his home or a student whose family was quarantined after being infected with the new coronavirus. He said he was close to the students. However, 'it is impossible to investigate the family life of all the students and deal with them individually.' 'I am really tired. My colleagues, who are usually very energetic and cheerful, are no longer exhausted. 'I will,' said the teacher.
'American education is on the verge of collapse. The current situation is school teachers,' said Bob Faras, a spokeswoman for the National Association of Secondary School Principals, an organization that supports American principals and educators. It's like we're holding down the tsunami with a broom. '
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