It turns out that a 'secret agreement to allow eavesdropping' was made between Denmark and the United States

Whistleblowers from Danish authorities have reportedly exposed the existence of an agreement that allowed the United States to eavesdrop on Danish communications. According to this report, the system for eavesdropping built between the two countries uses the top secret system '

XKeyscore ' that former US National Security Agency (NSA) employee Edward Snowden revealed its existence. It turned out that.

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Ny afsløring: FE masseindsamler oplysninger om danskere gennem avanceret spionsystem | India | DR Danish military intelligence uses XKEYSCORE to tap cables in cooperation with the NSA

The Danish daily Berlingske said on September 13, 2020, a staff member of the Danish counterintelligence agency Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE) said , 'There is an NSA-FE agreement that allows eavesdropping in Denmark.' I reported that there was an accusation of.

According to media reports, the NSA discovered in the mid-1990s that 'the Danish capital Copenhagen has lines for exchanging telephone calls, emails and text messages with Russia and China.' The NSA, which decided that Danish cooperation was essential in intercepting this communication, requested the FE to access the line. However, FE initially hit the demands of the United States.

Therefore, the NSA once again requested the cooperation of then-Prime Minister

Paul Nirp Rasmussen . Mr. Rasmussen, who was active in relations with the United States, agreed to this request, and it is said that Denmark and the United States have signed an agreement on information provision.

It is said that the then US President Bill Clinton paid a courtesy visit to Denmark in July 1997 to thank Mr. Rasmussen for this agreement.

Since the lines subject to eavesdropping include international communications, the agreement is said to be within the authority of FE, which has jurisdiction over foreign intelligence activities, and is subject to public debate over its pros and cons. It never happened. According to Berlingske, the agreement signed by Rasmussen and the then Danish defense minister was kept in a vault at FE's headquarters after being shown to the private telecommunications company that operates the line. That is.

Following Berlingske's coverage, the Danish broadcaster DR reported on September 24 that the wiretapping network built between Denmark and the United States had been significantly strengthened since 2008. According to the DR, at the same time that the FE procurement manager changed in 2008, NSA staff frequently moved in and out of Denmark to introduce a new system. The NSA staff are also said to have played a central role in building a new data center near Copenhagen.

The DR grabbed the codename for this new 'spy system,' but dismissed the information as 'cannot be published.' Instead, DR revealed that the new system used NSA's XKeyscore. The aforementioned FE whistleblower has accused 'Denmark data was collected illegally' because of the new espionage system that introduced XKeyscore.

If you read the following article, you can see on what scale XKeyscore, whose existence was revealed by Mr. Snowden's exposure, was collecting information.

It is clear that the NSA used the network of the largest telecommunications company in Japan to collect information in secret --GIGAZINE

According to Berlingske, FE whistleblowers are 'young IT specialists.' Electrospaces, a news blog that covered a series of FE scandals, commented that 'it reminds me of Mr. Snowden' about a young FE engineer who made a drastic whistleblower.

The Danish authorities have set up an investigative commission to confirm the facts about the FE-NSA agreement and illegal information gathering made public by whistleblowers, and the full extent of the allegations will be revealed in the future. It is expected to be.

in Web Service,   Security, Posted by log1l_ks