Capturing the moment when a black hole 'spaghettis' a star and swallows it

On October 12, 2020, the

European Southern Observatory (ESO) published a paper on October 12, 2020, which observed a tidal disruption phenomenon in which a celestial body approaching a black hole collapsed while being torn off.

outflow powers the optical rise of the nearby, fast-evolving tidal disruption event AT2019qiz | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | Oxford Academic

Death by Spaghettification: ESO Telescopes Record Last Moments of Star Devoured by a Black Hole | ESO

ESO announced on October 12 that it discovered ' AT2019qiz ', which is the closest known tidal disruption event to the earth, in September 2019. AT2019qiz found in the spiral galaxy of Eridanus was not only close to the earth but also shortly after it was generated, so there were few fragments and dust, and it was possible to observe it very clearly.

When the tidal disruption phenomenon begins when the celestial body approaches the black hole, the celestial body is stretched by too strong gravity, causing a spaghetti phenomenon that becomes elongated like spaghetti .

ESO has released the state of the spaghetti phenomenon obtained by observing AT2019qiz for 6 months as an image video on Twitter and YouTube .

The orange sphere is a star with just as much mass as the Sun.

The spaghetti phenomenon occurs when a star approaches a black hole with a mass of 1 million times or more. The star is elongated and swallowed by the black hole.

The speed of matter swallowed by a star into a black hole can reach up to 10,000 kilometers per second.

It is believed that half of the star's mass was swallowed by the black hole and the other half was released outward.

It is believed that when the spaghetti phenomenon occurs, the explosion produces strong electromagnetic radiation. However, since the fragments and dust of the celestial bodies swallowed by the black hole block the light like a curtain, it has not been possible to clearly observe the tidal disruption phenomenon.

'When a black hole devours a star, it creates a powerful explosion that obstructs our view. This time, we discovered the tidal disruption phenomenon early, and the black hole releases matter at a tremendous speed. Since I captured the moment I started, I was able to observe the black hole actually wearing a curtain of dust and debris. '

This discovery is said to be useful for understanding the behavior of supermassive black holes and substances in the maximum gravity environment, and the tidal disruption phenomenon that will be observed in the future.

in Science,   Video, Posted by log1l_ks