Judge said 'Epic was falsely witnessing Fortnite' in a court battle between Apple and Epic Games

In August 2020, Epic Games, the developer of the popular battle royale game Fortnite, filed a complaint that Apple's app store, the App Store, charges exorbitant fees. Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers left skeptical comments on Epic Games' allegations during a hearing on the legal battle between Apple and Epic Games over the App Store.
Apple's battle with Epic over Fortnite could reach jury trial next July --CNET
Apple Vs. Epic May Go To Trial Next Year, Judge Says Epic 'Lied' About Fortnite Change --GameSpot
On August 13, 2020, Epic Games will offer Fortnite a unique payment method that does not go through the App Store's payment system to counter the high fees (30% of sales) charged by the App Store. Introduced 'EPIC Direct Payment'. In response, Apple removed Fortnite from the App Store, saying that 'EPIC Direct Payment violates the App Store guidelines.' Epic Games, which disputed this move, is suing Apple.
'Fortnite' developer Epic Games sues Apple-GIGAZINE

The hearing on the legal battle between Apple and Epic Games was held on Monday, September 28, 2020. At the time of writing the article, there was no noticeable progress in the court battle, and it seems that Apple's removal of Fortnite will continue for the time being. In addition, the content of the hearing is disadvantageous to Epic Games throughout, and a trial adopting the jury system is scheduled to be held in July 2021.
During the hearing, Rogers upheld Apple's removal of Fortnite and recommended a jury trial against the two companies. However, whether or not the jury trial will be adopted depends on whether or not both companies require a jury system. 'It's likely that a jury system will be adopted,' Rogers said, adding that 'it's just a stepping stone to the resolution of the court battle.'
Epic Games claims that Apple is exploitative and anti-competitive about collecting 30% of the sales of apps distributed on the App Store. However, Rogers pointed out that the 30% fee is a standard practice in the gaming industry, trying to avoid them with EPIC Direct Payments, despite the clear contracts with Apple. He criticized what he did, saying, 'Epic Games lied by omission.' 'The general public may consider Epic Games to be a hero, and you made it so, but you didn't reveal everything honestly,' Rogers said. Stated. 'Judge Rogers at the hearing was generally skeptical of Epic Games' claims,' said Brian Fung, a CNN reporter.
Apple says Fortnite will allow Fortnite to be returned to the App Store as soon as it removes EPIC Direct Payments that violate the App Store guidelines, and Rogers will also keep Fortnite sales in his escrow account during the trial. In the form of doing, we are proposing to return Fortnite to the App Store. However, Epic Games declined the offer, stating that 'it should not support the illegal provisions of monopolies.'
Therefore, unless Epic Games compromises, Fortnite is unlikely to be re-delivered on the App Store, and overseas game media GameSpot said, 'Given that the jury trial will be held in July 2021. It may take longer than expected for Fortnite to return to the App Store. '
In addition, Epic Games has formed a coalition 'Coalition for App Fairness' to counter the fee problem of the App Store with companies such as Spotify and Basecamp.
Epic Games, Spotify and others form a coalition to fight Apple and counter the fee problem of the App Store --GIGAZINE

by Derek Gates
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